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13 Unconventional Methods For Dealing With Mess

Are you a nonconformist till the end? Here are some creative cleaning methods that may or may not be effective. For a faster, easier way to laugh off mess: use Clorox.

1. Just let the dog do it.

2. Hire a band of merry cleaning men in suits.

3. Make a cleaning-wizard baby an offer he can't refuse.

4. Fashion some mop shoes and pump those jams.

5. Eliminate anything that needs to actually be washed from your kitchen.

6. Rub yourself up against any problem areas and hope they disappear.

7. Become a human sponge.

8. Buy your baby a sweet Roomba.

9. Promise your cat extra kibble for a month if she does the dishes.

10. Hand a mop to an angry friend.

11. See a stain? Just spit on it.

12. Have a buddy help sort your socks.

13. Save up for a house that cleans itself.

There are plenty of alternative cleaning methods for those of us who like to go against the grain. But if you're tired of living life on the edge, visit Clorox's website and discover the enjoyable, fun way to deal with mess.