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    Women Are Sharing The Things They Refuse To Tolerate As They Get Older, And I Honestly Have To Agree With Almost All Of These

    "As a kid, I loved sleepovers. As an adult, I hate staying in other people's houses so much I can't even put it into words."

    I think it goes without saying that the older we get, the less we're willing to put up with. I mean, life is short, why waste it wearing ridiculously uncomfortable clothing in the middle of a sweltering July day or dealing with sexist comments from your problematic neighbor?

    So, it's no surprise that when Reddit user u/Sera0Sparrow asked the r/AskWomen community, "What's something you find more intolerable the older you get?" women gave a wide range of things they're done putting up with now that they're older. Here were some of the most relatable responses:

    1. "Sh*tty jobs. I've dealt with bad management since I started working at 15 years old. I no longer have the tolerance to put up with bullsh*t and will either call them out or just walk out. No job is worth being screamed at or denigrated, and I can find another easily."


    2. "Traveling in ways that are uncomfortable such as long cramped bus rides, sharing dorm rooms with strangers, sleeping without AC if I’m in a tropical country, etc. These things were fine when I was 18 years old and backpacking. Not so much now."


    3. "Window shopping — browsing clothing stores just for fun. I shop with a mission now, like finding the perfect shoes, basic T-shirts, or the perfect handbag while thinking of my budget in the back of my mind."


    4. "Small talk. It's really hard down here in the South — people are just too friendly. Strangers will just start talking to me about anything. I am not a talker, so I just stand there politely and smile, but I have already tuned them out and am planning my exit."


    5. "Children. I'm child-free, and the older I get, the less I want to have babies. I see so many women losing themselves when they become a mother. I don't want this to happen to me, and I want to get up late during the weekend forever."


    "I was never much for kids, but my tolerance has lowered even more as I get older (I'm in my 40s). It's the high-pitched scream that makes something behind my eyes hurt."


    6. "People who are consistently late to events — more so to intimate meetings such as dinners, lunches, and brunches — and they've made it a quirky character trait for themselves."


    7. "Sexism at work. I'm completely over ignoring stupidity for the sake of peace. I'm calling that sh*t out, and if it makes you uncomfortable, then you should have thought about that before speaking."


    8. "People who feel entitled to my time. I’ve learned to set boundaries and not pick up the phone every time a friend who spends two hours whining calls. The sheer lack of self-awareness when I’m obviously limiting my time with someone or my interactions with them drives me insane. The worst is when the offender is a coworker and I have to be civil and continue to entertain them to some extent."


    9. "Alcohol. Love everything about beer, but over the years, I started getting muscle aches and headaches after a small amount of any alcohol regardless if I’m thoroughly hydrated. Hard liquor is out of the question these days — it’s like an instant hangover within minutes. Nothing worse than waking up feeling hungover after going to bed early and sober."


    10. "Lack of communication. I'm not a teenager anymore; I don't want to play games. Be honest about your intentions and expectations."


    11. "Women who attack other women for the plethora of things women seem to attack each other for. We seriously need to stop hurting each other and build each other up. We have been conditioned to view other women as our enemies quite often."


    12. "Casual sexism and misogyny. We live rurally where some of our neighbors truly still live in a different era. I used to laugh off 'women belong in the kitchen' type jokes when I was newly married, and now, I just blank stare back and ask, 'What do you mean by that?' and wait for them to awkwardly try and explain."


    13. "I used to love going to the mall and browsing around Target pre-COVID. Now, I can’t stand clothes shopping and can’t be bothered to go to the mall even though there’s one less than five minutes from my house. I don’t know if it’s because stores just haven’t really recovered since COVID started or if I’m just getting old and confused by what’s in style now."


    14. "Waiting in a line for hours for the 'hot new thing.' A two-hour wait for the new hyped-up donut shop? Pass."


    15. "Wearing something uncomfortable because it looks cute."


    "I lost my enjoyment of this when I got pregnant. Everything was so uncomfortable. Now, my kids are teens, and my first question when I try things on is 'Is it comfortable?'"


    16. "Men who think that I am incapable of taking care of myself. Yes, I can drive six hours by myself. Yes, I can jumpstart a vehicle. Yes, I can handle my own money. And on and on. I may be 60 years old, but I'm not dead or incompetent! Boomer men are so bad about this!"


    17. "Social media and what people do for it. The 'challenges,' the 'pranks,' and using other people living their lives for views. The 'clout chasing' and how people stop actual life to do a TikTok dance — stopping traffic, stopping people in parks because they're in the shot, and treating them like some kind of background actors. It's insufferable. It's affected society so much that it's just started becoming acceptable behavior. I can't stand it."


    18. "Music playing everywhere, all the time, and usually at ridiculously loud volumes in grocery stores, restaurants, department stores, etc. Sometimes, it's just so much sensory input I can't think straight."


    19. "Other people's homes. As a kid, I loved sleepovers. I loved going on vacation and crashing with one of my uncles; sleeping in blanket piles on the floors, all of us crammed together. As an adult, I hate staying in other people's houses so much I can't even put it into words. Nothing is how I like it: The guest beds are always hard and springy with thin pillows or way too small. I have to figure out how to accommodate my baby's needs without her high chair, her pack and play, or her bassinet. Everyone lets their dogs on their couches which aggravates my allergies. I could go on and on."


    20. "Buying only designer goods. Nowadays, I don’t care. I stopped buying luxury items as I am only paying for the brand name. Trust me, normal brands have pretty much similar or better quality than high-end brands."


    21. "Being an adult who has to take care of everyone and everything. I have come to understand that relaxing at home is something I can't do anymore. I booked myself into a hotel for a night so I can spend at least a day not doing anything — no cooking, cleaning, or dealing with family/work drama. I can't wait. Once I hit my intolerance threshold again, I will be booking another hotel stay."


    Is there anything you've begun to find intolerable as you get older? Let us know in the comments!

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length/clarity.