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What Was The Biggest "Everything Makes Sense Now" Moment For You In Therapy?

"The truth will set you free, but first, it'll piss you off."

Recently, I had a major eye-opening moment in therapy that literally had my jaw hanging open for, what I could’ve sworn was, a whole minute. I’ve been seeing the same therapist for three years, and nothing has ever hit me quite as hard as this session did. After that, everything just sort of clicked.

My therapist's words coupled with the image of me sitting in front of my computer screen absolutely flabbergasted will be forever burned in my brain. So, I want to know: What was this moment for you in therapy?

Did your therapist say something in a session that made you realize "holy shit, this is why I'm like this"?

Maybe you and your therapist tried a new treatment plan that ended up working wonders after everything else fell flat.

You may have even moved on to a different therapist that was a better fit after years of not making progress. Absolutely no shame in that!

Or, hey, maybe you just started therapy after being on the fence for so long and immediately had an "a-ha" moment.

Whatever it is that left you speechless or made you start to see things clearly, I want to know! Tell me about your most eye-opening therapy experience, what your therapist said, and why it was so impactful in the comments below, or if you prefer to remain anonymous, you can fill out this form instead. Your story may be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!