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Groceries Have Gotten Expensive, So I Want To Know What Inexpensive Meals You're Making For Your Family That They Still Love

Grocery prices are rough, but that doesn't mean we can't still get creative in the kitchen.

I know me saying this comes at no shock to anyone, but food has gotten expensive, y'all. Going to the grocery store no longer feels like a cheaper alternative to ordering food, not to mention shrinkflation hitting shelves.

someone holding a receipt for groceries

And because I know this can be especially difficult for families that need to feed multiple mouths, I'm curious what you as a parent are cooking for your family that's relatively budget-friendly (but everyone still loves).

Maybe you're an expert meal-prepper and have a method for cooking a cheap protein and using it to make different meals throughout the week. A whole roast chicken can really go a long way!

chicken and rice in a pan

You might have found that reducing your family's meat consumption has significantly helped your wallet, and now are making cheap meals like chili for even less.

a bowl of chili with beans and corn topped with sour cream and green onions

Or perhaps you've got some go-to soup recipes in your back pocket for those cold or rainy days. If you're like me, you might have even relied on the "fridge clean out" soup and gotten creative with whatever vegetables and protein you have in your fridge.

grandmother serving soup to granddaughter

Whatever the cheap meal is that you make your family, I want to know about it! Comment below the go-to meal(s) you've been relying on lately to help you stay on a budget (no need to get super detailed with a recipe, but bonus points if you have a total cost breakdown). You can also fill out this form if you prefer to remain anonymous. Your response may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!