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Expats: Tell Us The Hardest Part About Moving To Another Country

There's no way everyone is living their best "Emily in Paris" life.

Lately, it feels like social media is chock full of people sharing their moves to another country. While their experiences are usually depicted as exciting and positive, I can't help but wonder about the challenges they must face when they decide to completely uproot their lives to live in another country.

So if you've ever moved away from your home country, I want to know what the toughest part of the experience was for you.

Maybe you had to learn a whole new language and even doing common tasks like picking up groceries or going to a restaurant felt like an uphill battle.

Perhaps you packed up and decided to completely uproot your life all by yourself, but ended up feeling really lonely for the first few months.

Or maybe adjusting to the cultural norms of your new country was a lot more difficult than you expected and you found yourself in a constant state of confusion.

You might have even moved somewhere with an entirely different climate than you're used to and it took you a VERY LONG time to finally adjust.

Whatever it was that you found challenging about moving abroad, I want to know about it. Tell me where you're originally from, where you moved to, and anything you found difficult about the whole experience in the comments below. You can also fill out this form if you prefer to remain anonymous. Your story may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!