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    5 Successful Women Who Have Completely Changed Their Lives with Online Businesses

    These power-house women took their futures into their own hands!

    How often do you sit at your desk, gazing desperately at the clock in the corner of your screen, willing the seconds to tick by faster? If that feels familiar, don’t worry. Well, you’re not alone. According to Entrepreneur Europe, over six and a half million Americans felt the same way in 2016, except they decided to end that feeling and become masters of their own destinies, and this number grows year on year. Perhaps it’s time that you stop dreaming of a better life and start making one happen just as these five women did.

    1. Amy Porterfield A blue-collar background doesn’t mean that you are destined to spend the rest of your life working two jobs just to put food on the table. Amy’s father always told her to find a way to be her own boss, and that’s exactly what she did. By amassing all of the online marketing tools that she’d learned working for Tony Robbins, Amy tried her hand at social media consultancy, but quickly found that she still didn’t have the freedom she wanted. Not to be swayed, she refocused on what was needed to have complete control of her work, earnings and life, and within four years, had made her first million dollars. She now empowers female entrepreneurs with her online courses and no longer has to sacrifice precious time spent with her family. “I’ve had the honor of helping thousands of online experts, educators and entrepreneurs like you sidestep years of struggle and build amazing online businesses of their own.”

    2. Rikke Hundal After graduating as a civil engineer in 2014 Rikki combined her previous experience as a qualified makeup artist with her new knowledge of technology-based business development and her specialism in social media marketing to cement her expertise and became a well-respected beauty blogger and marketing consultant. She believes that it is possible to create a business that is in alignment with the lifestyle you want to live and that you can run a business by only working a few hours (without hustling) and be a mom of three kids under the age of 5. She now runs a successful consultancy company that helps female entrepreneurs develop and scale online businesses and coaching programmes that have six and seven-figure revenues. “There was no better feeling than signing up that first couple of clients. It wasn’t much financially, but that didn’t matter to me. The feeling was exquisite, and I felt like nothing could throw me off now. I was in my zone.”— She Made it Happen, 2019

    3. Mari Smith It might surprise you to learn that despite its monolithic success, Facebook still needs help when it comes to marketing. So who do they go to? Mari of course. Forbes calls her: "A veritable engine of personal branding, a relationship marketing whiz and the Pied Piper of the Online World" and she has shared stages with the Dalai Lama, Sir Richard Branson and Arianna Huffington. She is credited with shaping the digital marketing space and shows no sign of stopping any time soon. “It’s not just about creating good content or driving them to your site. Now it’s got to be good sales copy, you’ve got to be good at crafting ads, you’ve got to get people to click, and you also have to have a super compelling landing page, a compelling offer, and you’ve got to be reaching the right market. There are a lot of components that people have to wrap their arms around.”—Buffer, 2015

    4. Cat Howell Since starting an advertising agency in Australia back in 2015, Cat’s business and renown grow year on year. With clients such as Coca-Cola and Fuji Film, she has created successful Facebook marketing campaigns for major players, and has also created an online programme to teach others how to get the same results for themselves. “My aim is to help you join the ranks of the top 10% of Facebook marketers, build your confidence and to connect you with gigs and opportunities so that you too can grow your own Facebook ads business.”

    5. Gina Devee When her psychotherapy practice started to feel like a lot of work for minimal return, Gina decided to put her skills and knowledge into practice, and teach women how to embrace their femininity and start building the lives they want. Gina wants women to release their inner queen and bring themselves to the world, unapologetically and brimming with confidence. “[…] mission is to activate the new feminine entrepreneur through inspiring content, bold business trainings, and life-changing, luxurious live events. Taking a stand for meaningful careers and elegant global lifestyles, today’s wave of spiritual women owning their power is unique, rare and one-of-a-kind."