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11 Workday Fusions We Wish Existed

Time flies when work and play are two in one. After-hours, nothing goes better together than the two ways you can earn cash back with the Citi Double Cash card. Earn 1% cash back on your purchases and an additional 1% cash back as you pay.

1. Cooking Class Lunch Breaks

You need a break, and you need to eat -- why not toss a few signature dishes into your back pocket while you're at it?

2. Dance Party Night Shifts

C'mon, we know what you REALLY want to be doing at 1 in the morning. Time flies when you're busting sweet moves in between tasks.

3. Commute Coffee Tastings

It's been proven: People actually hate commuting more than any other daily activity. Getting to taste test different roasts and get your caffeine fix on every ride would certainly eliminate some of the evil!

4. Trampoline Meetings

Sitting on bouncy balls during meetings is so 2014. Bringing some mini trampolines into conference rooms would let you release your inner kid and snag super-fun, calorie-torching workouts while taking care of business!

5. Learn New Languages Instant Messages

Constantly pinging co-workers with boring questions and requests? You'd treat yourself and the receiver of your IM to an awesome intellectual exercise if you typed it in a foreign tongue! Hint: online translators.

6. Pajama Conference Calls

The people on the other end can't see you, so why not take the opportunity to throw on your onesies and slippers for an hour?

7. Hidden Treat Inventories

You wouldn't mind counting item after item after item half as much if you knew you'd uncover little surprises along the way...

8. Hot-Air Balloon Interviews

You're going to have to ask the candidate boring questions, so why not do it in a crazy-fun setting? Plus, you'll find out verryyy quickly their ability to act cool in unusual circumstances.

9. Supply Room Puppies

So when you go in to get a box of regular pens, you can sit right down in a PUPPY pen for some cuddles. Studies have shown that playing with animals actually reduces stress!

10. Desktop Cleaning Contests

You know you should organize your disaster of a desktop at the end of the day, but it's not always easy to stick around the office for that extra five minutes to do it. Nothing a little friendly competition and a tempting reward if you win couldn't solve!

11. Movie Theater Product Trainings

Enough with tiny computer screens. Wouldn't you get so much more out of a product training video if you could see it on a big movie theater screen... in a nice, comfy seat... with popcorn and a drink? Bonus points if it's shown in 3D!