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11 Truths Of Reliving The Holidays Through Your Kids' Eyes

When you're a parent, you get to experience the joy of the holidays like a kid for a second time! Just like the Citi® Double Cash card earns you cash back twice — earn 1% when you buy and another 1% as you pay for your purchases.

1. You can stay in your PJs all day and not feel lazy.

2. You remember the delight of drinking hot chocolate for breakfast.

3. Cookie decorating goes back to being a wacky, sprinkle-covered blast.

4. You have an excuse to sing holiday songs out loud.

5. You'll want to drive around the neighborhood to ooh and aah over everybody's decorations.

6. You can break out those holiday stories you loved when you were little.

7. No one will judge what your snowman looks like.

8. But making the perfect snow angel becomes the ultimate source of satisfaction again.

9. The pure giddiness of unwrapping gifts comes flooding back.

10. Staying up late/waking up early feels new and exciting again.

11. And, most importantly, you go back to experiencing what the season is truly about.

Once just isn't enough for that youthful holiday spirit! Turn to the Citi® Double Cash card to get cash back twice — earn 1% when you buy and another 1% as you pay for your purchases.

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