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    7 Reasons Why Listicles are Fucking Terrible and Badgers I Found On Google

    You all know what a listicle is. If you’re on this site, you know what a listicle is. If you’re reading this, you know what a listicle is. If, by some odd miracle, you don’t know what a listicle is, I apologise in advance for defiling your virgin eyes with this piece-of-fucking-garbage genre of what I’m ashamed to call journalism. But if you’re a normal internet user and not an innocent grandparent trying to figure out where you put the carrier pigeon, this is a drop in the bucket of literary shit you’ve absorbed in your web surfings. And some of you, like myself, have probably come to a stunning realization. Listicles. Are. Terrible. Now, just a sort of disclaimer, most of this is going to be me shitting on this particular genre because of my own personal opinion of the listicle. However, there are a few grievances I hold with the listicle as a form of dialogue, and those will be incorporated as well. But most of this is going to be shitposting. Like, 99% of what you read will be adrenaline-fueled, blind hatred of the goddamn listicle condensed into little pixels. Also, badgers, because why the fuck not.

    1. The name is stupid

    2. They’re opinionated

    3. They use a terrible rhetorical style

    4. They generalize

    5. They’re fucking everywhere

    6. You have to use BuzzFeed to read and write them

    7. If it’s not BuzzFeed, it’s Clickhole