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    25 Things That Will Make You Want To Stay Far, Far Away From Arizona

    Seriously, stay away.

    1. If you're ever thinking of taking a trip to Arizona, don't.

    2. Because you'll regret it.

    3. No, really, there's a TON of more attractive places to go.

    4. Like, almost anywhere else would do.

    5. The cities are nothing but ghost towns.

    6. The Grand Canyon is drab, boring, and just no fun.

    7. The weather is unbearable all year round.

    8. Like, MISERABLE.

    9. Any evidence of nature is nonexistent.

    10. Like, nature schmature.

    11. And good luck finding a nice place to stay.

    12. Arizona severely lacks any and all culture.

    13. The desert is just the worst.

    14. The absolute. Worst.

    15. The food is terrible.

    16. Like, really bad. The selection is very, very limited.

    17. And is completely void of any color.

    18. There is nothing to do outside of Phoenix.

    19. There's no history here.

    20. You have to wear several layers of clothing in the winter.

    21. And don't even think about finding a place to go for your early morning run.

    22. Good luck finding a music festival around here.

    23. You are constantly stuck in a concrete jungle.

    24. Really though, how can you move around when everything is so close together?

    25. And the sunsets are nothing great.

    Basically, just stay away from Arizona. It's just the worst.