20 Moments From "Parenthood" That Are Too Emotional To Handle

    I'm not crying, YOU'RE crying. Warning: potential spoilers ahead.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which moment from Parenthood they're still not over. Here are the gut-wrenching responses.

    Note: Not all submissions are from Community users.

    1. When Kristina told the family she had breast cancer.

    2. When Max breaks down because the kids bullied him at camp.

    3. Zeke's death.

    4. When Kristina makes a video for her family in case she doesn't make it, telling them how much she loves them.

    5. And when Adam finds, and watches, the video.

    6. When Julia realizes Zoe is going to keep her baby.

    7. When Amber got into a car accident and was almost killed.

    8. And when Zeke brought her to the dump yard to show her just how totaled the car was.

    9. When Adam tells Zeke he's worried about Max.

    10. When Haddie comes out to her mom and she's completely accepting of it.

    11. When Drew tells his mom Amy had an abortion.

    12. The demise of Joel and Julia's relationship.

    13. When Joel and Julia discuss who gets what once their divorce is finalized.

    14. When Kristina explains Max's diagnosis to Adam.

    15. When Adam explains the severity of Kristina's cancer to Haddie.

    16. When Zeke asks Sarah if he's been a good dad.

    17. When Amber had her baby shower in the hospital.

    18. When Crosby and Jasmine reunite after Crosby cheats on her.

    19. Any time Drew cried.

    20. And basically the entire series finale.

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