There's A Theory About Creed From "The Office" And Even For The Internet It's Pretty Shocking

    Creed isn't who you thought he was.

    Over the years, there've been many theories about various characters from The Office. For example, someone suggested Jim Halpert was the Scranton Strangler.

    Then, there was a more sensible theory that Bob Vance was repeatedly plugging Vance Refrigeration, using the surrounding cameras as free advertisement.

    Now, here's one you may not have heard before: Creed Bratton isn't Creed Bratton — he killed the real Creed Bratton and stole his identity.

    In Season 4's "Money," Creed reveals that when he has financial issues, he transfers them over to another name.

    A closer look reveals that Creed does in fact have a passport that shows the name William Charles Schneider.

    The following season, in an episode called "Crime Aid," Creed says nobody steals from him and gets away with it...

    ...the last person who stole from him disappeared...


    Could it be that a man named William Charles Schneider killed another man named Creed Bratton for stealing from him, then took on his identity?

    And sure, the actor playing Creed Bratton is named Creed Bratton, and he was born William Charles Schneider, but within the series, this theory makes sense.

    Let's be real, based on his words and behavior throughout the series, if anyone in that office were capable of killing someone and taking on their identity, it's Cree—erm, William Charles Schneider.