16 Secrets And Tiny Little Details In "Us" You May Have Missed

    Contains spoilers and speculation!

    1. When Young Adelaide is wandering around the beach, she passes a couple who are playing a game of rock, paper, scissors.

    2. The way the family is standing on the vehicle's sticker is the same way the Tethered family poses when they first show up in the driveway.

    3. Zora wears a shirt that depicts a rabbit and another one that reads "thỏ," which means "rabbit" in Vietnamese.

    4. There's a shot of the family and their shadows as they arrive at the beach. The Tethered are considered "shadows."

    5. Zora's underground counterpart is even named Umbrae, which is defined as "the fully shaded inner region of a shadow cast by an opaque object."

    6. At the beach, Jason says he's building a tunnel — the Tethered roam in underground tunnels.

    7. When the Wilsons are in the Tyler family's house, Jason eats from a bowl of dry Froot Loops, a reference to the infamous scene in Get Out.

    8. Jeremiah 11:11 and the number 11 are seen throughout the movie. That Bible verse says, "Therefore this is what the Lord says: 'I will bring on them a disaster they cannot escape. Although they cry out to me, I will not listen to them.'"

    9. Shortly after the Tethered Adelaide switches places with the original, she's seen in the therapist's office playing with toy animals that are lined up like the people participating in Hands Across America. The toy she places in the line is a rabbit.

    10. When Kitty's double, Dahlia, has a chance to kill Adelaide, she suddenly stops her attack. Perhaps it's because she knows Adelaide is originally one of the Tethered, so she chooses to let her live.

    11. The reason Red's voice is so raspy might be because she was choked by Adelaide, perhaps causing permanent damage.

    12. Jordan Peele provided the squealing sounds of a dying rabbit.

    13. Early in the movie, a copy of The Goonies on VHS is visible. Later, Red says that it's "our time up there," a line similar to "It's our time down here" — from The Goonies.

    14. The yacht Gabe uses is labeled B-Yacht'ch, a fun"biatch" pun.

    15. Early on, the name of the mirrored attraction is "Shaman's Vision Quest," and it has a Native American theme. Years later, we see that it's called "Merlin's Forest," perhaps an example of whitewashing.

    16. And finally, there's been speculation that themes within the movie allude to the current state of America, and the title, Us, is a reference to the United States.