22 Pictures Of Food So Perfect They're Physically Attractive

    You ever see food so aesthetically pleasing that you don't even want to touch it?

    1. This slice of cheese perfectly melted onto a patty.

    2. This marshmallow that's roasted to perfection.

    3. This perfectly cooked grilled cheese.

    4. This perfect-looking orange.

    5. This incredibly perfect pancake.

    6. This perfect eggplant that looks like the emoji IRL.

    7. This frozen beverage's two flavors being perfectly distributed up the straw.

    8. This absolutely perfect scoop of ice cream.

    9. This perfect pile of white rice.

    10. This perfect swirl of soft-serve ice cream.

    11. This smooth, flawless cake.

    12. This perfectly heart-shaped strawberry.

    13. This pot of pasta boiling in perfect alignment.

    14. This perfect watermelon.

    15. These perfectly aligned Tic Tacs.

    16. This perfect clove of garlic.

    17. The perfect bun on this Filet-O-Fish.

    18. This perfect pepper that the Chili's logo would be jealous of.

    19. This perfect, symmetrical sushi.

    20. The flawless insides of this croissant.

    21. This perfectly centered egg.

    22. And finally, these beautiful slabs of cornbread that were baked to perfection.