15 Real Things That Actually Exist Even Though They Just Don't Look Right

    Something is very off.

    1. A Subway logo that's white and red instead of the green and yellow we're used to.

    2. A lower-cased stop sign.

    3. Or a stop sign that's colored blue instead of red, and is telling you to smile.

    4. Rolls of bright orange toilet paper.

    5. A McDonald's with a turquoise logo instead of the traditional golden arches.

    6. And an equally strange McDonald's that has a single golden arch.

    7. This pedestrian crossing sign that has way more detail than any street sign you've ever seen before.

    8. These ginormous grapes that don't look like they're of this world.

    9. These road cones that are lime green instead of orange.

    10. This traffic light installed in the ground for pedestrians who are looking down at their phones.

    11. This Target that has a white bullseye instead of a red one.

    12. A heart-shaped stoplight.

    13. A colorful cob of corn.

    14. A Walgreens that was built inside of an old bank.

    15. And finally, colorless Skittles, so you can taste the rainbow even though you can't see it.