19 Careless Mail Deliveries That Are Going To Make Your Blood Boil

    Hopefully the shipping was free.

    1. This vinyl record that was broken in half and crammed into a mailbox.

    2. This pizza that was delivered with half of it stuck to the roof of the box.

    3. Or this pizza that was delivered with half of it shifted to one side.

    4. This large package that was placed up against a door that opens outward.

    5. These brutally battered chocolate-covered strawberries that I'd probably still eat, even though they were aesthetically ruined in the delivery process.

    6. This college diploma that had one specific instruction for those who handled it.

    7. This customer's ranch dressing that was packed in the box with their dessert, so they didn't see it until after they ate their wings.

    8. This single ruler that was missing from a customer's initial shipment and came in a separate delivery.

    9. These packages that were straight-up jammed into this mailbox.

    10. This "Sorry we missed you" sticker that totally ignored the note left on the door.

    11. This plug that was ready to go directly into a socket upon delivery.

    12. These packages that were delivered right where the signs asked them not to be placed.

    13. This large box that was delivered by being thrown over the fence.

    14. This mail that's been forcefully stuffed into a mailbox without an ounce of care.

    15. This book that was delivered with such a firm fold that even someone who dog-ears pages would be annoyed.

    16. This package that was forced into a mailbox that it'll clearly be difficult to get the package out of.

    17. This small package that was dropped right next to the mailbox near the road.

    18. This package that was handled by people who truly didn't care about the big, bold "FRAGILE" plastered on the box.

    19. And finally, this letter carrier's gentle delivery of these packages, caught on camera.

    H/T r/MildlyInfuriating