15 "The Office" Screenshots That Perfectly Sum-Up The "Game Of Thrones" Finale

    "I am Bacchus, god of wine."

    1. King's Landing in the aftermath of Dany's destruction:

    2. Grey Worm and company casually murdering Lannister soldiers in front of Jon:

    3. Tyrion resigning as Daenerys's Hand:

    4. Dany feeling good after destroying King's Landing, ready to liberate the entire world:

    5. Dany getting one last smooch before Jon stabbed her:

    6. Drogon to Jon when he found him standing next to Dany's lifeless body:

    7. Drogon to the Iron Throne:

    8. Tyrion's beard when the episode time jumped weeks ahead:

    9. Sam showing everyone the history book he helped title, A Song of Ice and Fire.

    10. Brienne writing Jaime's story:

    11. Arya setting out to see what's West of Westeros:

    12. Bran in the end:

    13. Tyrion somehow finessing his way from prisoner to Bran's hand:

    14. Jon Snow in the final shot, riding off with the Free Folk:

    15. Everyone:

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