17 Brilliant Food Packagings That Thought One Step Ahead

    Floss in a beef jerky packet? SMART.

    1. This tub of gum that comes with paper to wrap chewed pieces in.

    2. This jar of pickles that comes with a makeshift elevator to raise them for easy picking.

    3. This jar of pasta sauce that comes with basil seeds and can be used to grow your own herbs.

    4. This beef jerky that comes with floss.

    5. This popcorn that comes with a convenient toothpick.

    6. This sushi that comes with a little soy sauce dropper.

    7. This lemon comes in a mesh netting that prevents seeds from getting in your food when you squeeze it.

    8. This kiwifruit that comes with a spoon–knife combo tool.

    9. This hot chocolate that comes with a miniature whisk.

    10. This pizza that comes with instructions for reheating.

    11. This birthday cake that comes with a cake slicer that has matches and a striker inside the handle.

    12. This ramen package that comes with a strainer built into it.

    13. This messy burger that comes with gloves.

    14. This orange soda that comes with an optional cherry-flavored powder.

    15. These baked desserts that come with a spoon so you can get right to eating 'em.

    16. This bottle of cinnamon sticks that comes with a miniature grater.

    17. And finally, this hot sauce that comes with a roll of toilet paper.