15 Amazing Things That Prove It's A Wonderful Time To Be A Dog

    There's a TV channel fully dedicated to dogs!

    1. This water fountain that includes fountains (and snacks) for pups!

    2. These dens for dogs outside of the supermarket that are locked and unlocked via an app, have fans inside, and are disinfected after each dog's visit.

    3. This channel that plays programming specifically geared toward entertaining dogs.

    4. This hotel that offers room service for dogs.

    5. This supermarket that has little parking spots for dogs.

    6. This ice cream shop that serves humans but also has doggie cones.

    7. Or this entire food truck dedicated to serving grub for dogs, including frozen yogurt!

    8. These glorious condiments for dogs.

    9. This place that has hiking shoes for puppies.

    10. This airport that has a little restroom area for dogs that includes grass and a fire hydrant.

    11. Or, even more impressive, this ENTIRE RESTROOM dedicated to puppies relieving themselves.

    12. This bar that has a keg of water outside for dogs.

    13. Or this (non-alcoholic) beer for dogs.

    14. This fence that has a nice little bubble window for dogs.

    15. And finally, whole food meals made and delivered for dogs.

    H/T r/mildly interesting.