16 Screenshots Of Private Texts Accidentally Being Sent In Group Chats That Are Brutally Uncomfortable To Look At

    R-rated texts mistakenly sent to family group chat = a nightmare.

    We've all done it. We hit send on a text and then realize it was delivered to the wrong person, or in today's case, the wrong persons. Yep, below you'll find people who sent messages to a group chat instead of an individual. Prepare to wince, cringe, and gasp at the misfortune of these poor texters, and pray you never send (or receive) such things.

    1. Someone's mom didn't realize they were included on this thread that got pretty spicy.

    Someone's mom talks about sex drive with someone else not knowing their child is in the group chat

    2. And both of someone's parents forgot they were in the group chat with 'em.

    3. Someone accidentally sent a screenshot to a group that included the person it was about.

    4. Someone accidentally pasted and pressed send a little too quickly.

    5. Someone slid into a bunch of DMs at once in a mass group message.

    Someone private messages "you're so beautiful" to 40 girls at once

    6. Someone tried to break things off with four different individuals, but instead split from an entire group.

    Someone breaks up with multiple guys over a group text

    7. Someone named Kirk accidentally got freaky in the group chat.

    A dad says some sexual things to his wife in a group chat that includes the kids

    8. Someone was trying to vent to their girlfriend about school, but accidentally sent their message to the class group chat instead.

    9. Someone tried to ask a strange "Would You Rather" question in a group chat with people they didn't know well, and it got uncomfortable.

    10. Someone's parents started sexy time in the group chat.

    11. Someone started this group chat (hopefully on accident?) with a couple he knows.

    12. Someone actually knew that sending this text to a group was awkward, and yet that didn't stop 'em from sharing relationship drama and trying to make friends choose a side in the breakup.

    13. And yet another person's parent was caught being vulgar in a group chat.

    14. Someone accidentally created a group of girls he's dated/tried to date and immediately left, leaving them all confused.

    15. And finally, someone agreed to help this mother move, but first he put his foot in his mouth by saying he'd put his... Well, you can read it for yourself.

    Someone complains about helping their mother move in a group chat that includes their mother

    H/T: /r/cringepics

    That's all, folks — if you're uncomfortable right now, just imagine how everyone involved felt!