25 Photos That Are Like Stepping Into A Portal That Leads To A '90s Elementary School

    When was the last time you played tetherball?

    1. Pattern blocks.

    2. Playing Heads Up, 7 Up (and peeking at shoes to see who pushed your thumb down).

    3. Doing color by numbers.

    4. Base ten blocks (for learning math).

    5. Linking cubes (for sword fights).

    6. Timed worksheets that tested your multiplication knowledge.

    7. Peeling glue from your hands for entertainment.

    8. Cracking your back in one of these desk-chair combos.

    9. Portables, which every elementary school seemed to have, for some reason.

    10. Safety patrol.

    11. Overhead projectors.

    12. Making book covers out of brown paper bags.

    13. These little colored chips that were used on overhead projectors.

    14. Playing recorder.

    15. And all these other instruments.

    16. Countless games of tetherball.

    17. Lead pencil injections.

    18. Elementary Valentine's Day things.

    19. Kid Pix.

    20. Placing fresh artwork on these drying racks.

    21. Storybook Weaver.

    22. Wounding your knuckles against the wall when using these pencil sharpeners.

    23. Drawing that special "S."

    24. Playing "The Oregon Trail" on these old computers, and dying many deaths.

    25. And finally, the ball room that contained the source of all PE fun.