21 Ancient Artifacts That You Definitely Had At Some Point

    So many AOL free trial discs.

    1. A rewards card from Borders, the legendary bookstore that's gone, but not forgotten.

    2. A plastic bag from Mervyn's, the glorious department store that met its demise in 2008.

    3. Some clothes from Anchor Blue, the store that served up several back to school looks for folks in the '90s and '00s.

    4. A Blockbuster membership card, which was a necessity during the VHS era.

    5. Or, a Blockbuster Rewards card for the dedicated gamers and movie buffs, who spent boatloads of time and money in the video store.

    6. Or, a Hollywood Video card, for people who liked to keep their rental store options open.

    7. An AOL free trial disc offering a chunk of hours ~free~.

    8. A paper cup with this very '90s design.

    9. A Coke Card, which used to earn soda lovers perks for buying pop.

    10. A View-Master with some thin, cardboard discs that you could binge through.

    11. A classic Playskool flashlight that could shine clear, red, or green light.

    12. Some fruit and vegetable magnets that, for some reason, everyone's grandparents had on their refrigerator.

    13. A Tiger handheld game that provided a lot of entertainment, particularly on long car rides.

    14. Any of the Full House books that delivered extra doses of Stephanie and Michelle to everyone who couldn't get enough from the show.

    15. An orange Nickelodeon VHS tape.

    16. A bag of the greatest fruit snack of all time, Amazin' Fruit. Bonus points if it's got a '90s movie promotional theme to it.

    17. A glass mug from McDonald's promoting something back in the day, whether it be The Flintstones, or Batman Forever.

    18. Some yellow, blue, and orange Fisher-Price roller skates, which seemingly everyone had.

    19. Some HitClips to have minute-long jam sessions to.

    20. Some Little Golden Books with movie and television tie-ins.

    21. And finally, Golden Sound Story books, in case the visual wasn't enough and you needed audio snippets too.