7 Healthy Eating Tricks You'll Actually Want To Try

    Including DIY frozen yogurt, overnight oats, and easy portion control tricks.

    1. Turn leftover chicken into healthier chicken salad by using hummus instead of mayonnaise.

    These lettuce cups are delicious and taste super fresh. If you have leftover cooked chicken (or rotisserie chicken!), it's a fast, no-cook meal. Recipe here.

    2. Too hot to turn on the oven? Make a bunch of big-batch stuff on the stove and you won't have to cook again ALL WEEK.

    3. Give burgers and hot dogs a rest and throw seafood on the grill this weekend instead.

    Meat is great, but there's so much more you can do with a grill. Seafood is good way to switch it up, and it feels special. Plus, it's good for you.

    Recipes (from left): Grilled Pesto Salmon in Foil, Maryland-Style Grilled Shrimp and Corn

    4. Need a sweet treat, like, right now? Here's a healthy, five-minute frozen yogurt.

    Frozen yogurt is great, but the stuff that comes out of a soft-serve machine isn't exactly a health food. Making your own means you know exactly what goes in it, and you can control the sweetness (read: sugar). This fro-yo has just plain yogurt, frozen strawberries, lemon juice, and honey, and it couldn't be easier to make. Recipe here.

    5. For a cold, fast, healthy breakfast, try overnight oats.

    6. Get into the back-to-school spirit with an adult lunch box to house pretty and healthy packed lunches.

    7. Master portion control with these easy tricks using just your hand.