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    18 People You Will Encounter At Chipotle As Told By The Office

    Sometimes it's better to just nod your head and say "yes".

    1. That person who is so focused on ordering, they ignore what you have to say.

    2. That person who will defend the idea that their bowl is NOT a salad all the way to their death bed.

    3. That person who makes it through the entire line, placing items on their “burrito”, only to get to cash and be surprised when their total comes up as $7.21.

    4. That person from #1 who is still so focused on ordering, that they still aren’t listening to anything you ask them.

    5. That person who doesn’t realize what they’re saying yes to.

    6. That person who is oddly afraid of lettuce

    7. That person who mistakens pinto bean juice for gravy. At a mexican food restaurant.

    8. That person who insists on their child ordering for himself.

    9. That customer who eagerly calls to ask if certain items are on our menu.

    10. That person who refers to the Medium Corn Salsa as “Corn Relish”.

    11. That person who gets upset when we don’t put plastic knives out by the utensils.

    12. That person who wants “everything” but not really everything.

    13. The mom who is still waiting on 3 week old baby to decide between plain milk, chocolate milk, apple juice or soda.

    14. That person who questions everything about rice

    15. That person who waits until the last minute

    16. That person who tries to speak spanish but messes up their order

    17. That person who wants the same thing as their friend who just ordered, but not really.

    18. That person who is in the mood for Chipotle way too early