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12 Struggles Of Dining Out With A Massive Group

Guacamole, Y U so far away? Going out to eat with a ton of people can be crazy, but at Chili's, we believe the more the merrier. Stop in with a hundred of your closest friends — there's more than enough Tableside Guacamole to go around.

1. Finding somewhere to sit.

2. Getting trapped on the boring side of the table.

3. Reading the menu together and ordering as a team.

4. Adhering to everyone's dietary restrictions.

5. Entertaining yourselves until the food comes.

6. Being too crowded-in by other chairs to get up and go to the bathroom.

7. Hoping the waiter refills your glass first.

8. Posing for the awkward group photo.

9. Dealing with that person who "just wants one" of your fries.

10. Accidentally drinking someone else's water.

11. Dividing six pieces of dessert amongst 10 people.

12. And of course, splitting the bill.

We can't fix everything, but at least paying is easier with Chili's Pay & Go tabletop device.