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14 Faces Every City Dweller Will Recognize

If you live in the city, you can face just about anything, and Chevy Trax available 4G LTE WIFI is here to help.

1. When someone jokes about the size of your apartment.

2. When you're randomly handed a free energy drink in the park.

3. When you hit traffic on your super-secret commute route.

4. When you walk down a windy street, and your hair is living for it.

5. When someone steals your parking spot.

6. When your phone gets knocked out of your hand by a crowd.

7. When you think the whole street should know how fun your apartment party is.

8. When the person asking for donations compliments your outfit.

9. When tourists find something to take a picture with.

10. When you finally get into your air-conditioned building.

11. When your song starts playing while you walk, and you don't care who knows it.

12. When the delivery guy forgets to bring the extra ponzu sauce.

13. When the crosswalk starts blinking as if you won't still cross the street.


When you're cruising around town, use Chevy Trax available 4G LTE WIFI to help navigate even the most unexpected city moments.