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The Definitive Ranking Of X-Men Powers

Who's the mutant with the mostest? Special powers would make life way easier. Thankfully, we non X-Men have the convenience of Chevron ExtraMile® stores.

12. Frog-like abilities.

Jumping super high and being able to snatch things with your tongue might be fun at first, but is it worth the scaly skin and toxic secretions?

11. The ability to transform into a powerful blue beast.

10. Super speed.

9. The capacity to harness and control solar energy.

8. Metallic skin and super strength.

7. Cryokinesis.

6. The ability to shoot plasma blasts and waves.

5. Perfect camouflage.

4. The ability to absorb energy.

3. Teleportation.

2. Telepathy.

1. Magnetism.