We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    Just 25 Things Reviewers Call “Summer Must-Haves”

    Including products that'll make your time at the pool/park/state fair/Disney a heck of a lot more enjoyable.

    1. A bug bite suction tool because it's this or scratching at it until it bleeds, and that is not the way, my friends. Don't let the lil' suckers get in the way of your backyard BBQs — you've waited three seasons for this!

    Hands using the suction tool on finger
    Reviewer's before-and-after of a mosquito bite gradually being reduced

    The Bug Bite Thing (of Shark Tank fame) works on bites from mosquitoes, bees, wasps, biting flies, no-see-ums, and more. Basically, the gadget sucks out insect venom and saliva — two things that lead to itchiness and irritation. With that out, your skin should stop swelling and return to normal in no time!

    Promising review: "My husband and I moved into a new home next to a nature preserve a few years ago. We did not learn of the mosquito issues in our neighborhood until my husband's first mow of the season, when we promptly ordered this little tool. It is used frequently in our house, and if used right after a mosquito bite, it does make it feel 10x better. I am unsure how you can tell if it is sucking anything out of them, but somehow this little guy does the trick! A must-have in the summer, especially if you have kids!" —Jordyn Peters

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90+ (available in three colors).

    2. A pack of clinical-strength SweatBlock wipes can stop hyperhidrosis, nervous sweating, and hormonal sweating right in its tracks. Give your pits a good swipe down before bed, and you *won't* wake up in a puddle of your own perspiration!

    hand holding a package of Sweat Block wipes

    Apply it every seven days! This is STRONG so if you have sensitive skin, the manufacturer suggests you do a spot test first.

    Promising review: "I sweat profusely on my forehead for some reason. Makes it nearly impossible to keep makeup on. I’ve tried all kinds of makeup products and nothing helped keep my makeup on. So I decided to try these even though they’re for armpits. It does burn and itch a little when you first apply it and can make your skin a little dry BUT it’s totally worth it. I never sweat on my forehead with these. Makeup stays put. Even when I’m outside on hot summer days (and I live in the south where it can reach 100° with horrible humidity) I don’t sweat at all wherever I apply this. SweatBlock has become a must have for me. Since I’ve been using it for a couple of years at this point, I only have to reapply every 2–3 weeks so that saves money. Highly recommend this to anyone that has the forehead sweat problem." —My

    Get them from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in packs of one, two, and three).

    3. A bottle of First Aid Beauty's KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub which gets rid of pesky "chicken skin" — aka those tiny bumps clinically known as keratosis pilaris — with glycolic and lactic acids as well as pumice buffing beads. After a good scrub down, the results will make you feel like you got a legitimate chemical peel!

    the purple bottle of exfoliator
    a model rubbing the exfoliator into their arm
    First Aid Beauty

    Promising review: "SUMMER MUST-HAVE. This product is incredible; I’ve always hated the appearance of my 'strawberry legs' and tried many DIY Pinterest methods. This product got rid of all the bumps and discoloration in two uses. I couldn’t be happier!" —Elizabeth

    Get it from First Aid Beauty for $10+ (available in three sizes).

    4. A HyperChiller beverage cooler that allows you to turn hot coffee into iced coffee in 60 seconds flat. Just fill the container with water and keep it in your freezer so it's always ready when you need it.

    The frozen black canister next to a glass of iced coffee
    reviewer's pink hyperchiller

    The dishwasher-safe container can chill tea, juice, wine, or whatever you like drinking. No water comes into contact with your beverage, so you don't have to worry about dilution.

    Promising review: "I have been using this instant cooler for a couple of weeks, and it has become my to-go whenever I need cool drinks but forget to put my drinks in the refrigerator. It's effortless to use. Just follow the instructions. It's also easy to clean after use. My only tip is not to cool your carbonated drinks with this cooler because you will lose most of the carbon dioxide in your drink when you pour your liquid into this cooler and pour it out to another drinkware. However, if you just need to cool your coffee, tea, or water, this is your must-have for the coming summer season!" —Johnny

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in four colors). 

    5. Some Spot My UV's SPF-detecting stickers which give you a heads up when it's time to reapply sunscreen if that's something you are ~famously~ bad at doing. 

    a reviewer holding the sun stickers
    a reviewer showing how the sticker is clear when you're protected and purple when you need to reapply

    The waterproof patches last 12 hours or through six sunscreen applications — whichever comes first. When purple, it's time to reapply, and when clear, you're good to go! 

    Promising review: "Must-have for summer! These are my new favorite thing. I’m very anxious about sunburns and protective of my daughter. I’ve tried setting alarms on my phone to reapply sunscreen, but it wasn’t always easy to have my phone nearby — especially when being in and out of the water. These stickers have been my saving grace this summer! They’re so easy to use, and my daughter thinks it’s so fun that she gets to wear a sticker! They stay on, and I’ve worn them all day in and out of the pool." —Skylar

    Get them from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in packs of 16, 32, and 48).

    6. And carry a handheld fan so the SPF you liberally applied doesn't melt off your face the second the sun hits it. Add it to your mental checklist before you head out the door — you know, phone, keys, wallet...handheld fan — and you'll be good to go. 

    a reviewer using the pink handheld fan
    a reviewer holding the blue fan in their hand

    The fan has two speeds and can be recharged by any USB cable. 

    Promising review: "Summer/sport/hot weather MUST-HAVE. I bought this to take on our trip to Disney in Florida. We used it the whole time we were there. Charging was easy, and the battery on the fan lasted almost the whole day. I have bought more of these for football games, lake days, and I even bought some as gifts for friends and family. It is lightweight, quiet, and powerful. I love that it has the wrist strap to keep from dropping it. It is very compact and can be stuck in a purse or bag very easily." —ejacks8

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (available in nine colors).

    7. Or, if your pit stains laughed in the face of that device, kick things up a notch with a portable neck fan. It has three speed settings that are so powerful, you almost won't miss your central air. 

    Depending on your setting, the fan can last four to sixteen hours. Once it needs to be recharged, just connect it to any USB cable.

    Promising review: "Summer must-have. This fan works! I tried another brand, and it was too noisy. At first, thought it wasn't powerful enough, but I was wrong. It kept me cool in the hot sun in Orlando at theme parks. I kept it on low most of the time as I didn’t need it higher and turned it off when inside; it lasted over eight hours. Definitely recommend. I even wore my hair down, and it didn't get tangled." —Miami girl

    Get it from Amazon for $28.99+ (available in five colors).

    8. An inflatable pool that — according to reviewers — is rugged enough to withstand jumping toddlers, large dogs, and even inclement weather. 

    Reviewer image of pool
    Reviewer image of pool

    Don't forget to get an electric pump, too!

    Promising review: "This is a great pool for a quick dip in the backyard! I really like how deep it is, and it fits our family of three (plus one Goldendoodle) perfectly! The sides are sturdy plastic, and the bottom is a nice heavy vinyl. We used our electric car pump to blow it up, and it worked like a charm; very easy! This pool is a must-have for summer! 👙" —Beko

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99+ (available in two sizes).

    9. A trusty stick of Megababe's Thigh Rescue because enjoying the breeze for a few hours in a pair of shorts or a skirt shouldn't result in a days-long angry red rash.

    the anti-friction stick

    Megababe is a woman-owned small business from entrepreneur, body acceptance advocate, and influencer Katie Sturino. 

    Promising review: "A must-have for summer. Any thicc thigh folks will know that the summer can be tough. I saw this on TikTok and gave it a shot. It's perfect with shorts or a dress on the inner thighs. I've heard of people with other bodily chafing issues using it on those parts of their body with success." —Faith

    Get it from Megababe on Amazon for $13.95

    10. cooling towel is sure to be your best buddy whenever hiking, fishing, tanning, or doing your outdoor activity of choice. Soak it in some cold water, wring it out, and toss it around your neck so you *don't* end up looking like a freshly boiled lobster.

    two reviewers wearing the towels around their necks
    blue cooling towel

    Promising review: "Originally bought for my father-in-law, he loved it so much, I bought four more... The towels are amazing! They let me stay outside much longer, and I am much more comfortable. Great for camping, yard work, sports, etc. If you have to be outside in the summer heat, a cooling towel is a must!" —Jim Garner

    Get it from Amazon for $14.97

    11. packable floppy hat that way, your scalp doesn't suffer any third-degree burns while you're hanging out by the pool. The wide brim will also keep your schnoz in the safe zone because, if you're anything like me, your nose *will* burn after just 0.01 seconds of sun exposure. 

    a reviewer wearing the hat and drinking a cocktail
    different reviewer wearing sun hat

    Promising review: "I took my dog for a walk this morning with my new sun hat. It felt light, which is so impressive. It covered a good portion of my face and allowed me the vision I needed. My husband told me it looked good on me. It’s the perfect hat! I’m very happy with this purchase. This will go with me everywhere this summer. It’s a must-have for someone who values sun protection." —Lindy in AZ

    Get it from Amazon for $25.99+ (available in sizes M–XL and in eight colors).

    12. A swiveling UPF 50 plus protection umbrella (with an adjustable clamp) you can bring to the beach or even just use on your deck. That way, you don't end up with third-degree burns after taking a cat nap that turned into four (count 'em — four) solid hours.

    A white umbrella attached to a chair shading a laptop on a table
    Sportbrella attached to a beach chair

    Psst — a lot of reviewers swear by this for easy hands-free shade solutions for strollers and wheelchairs as well!

    Promising review: "My son is now 13 months old and I love this thing just as much as last summer when he was tiny! He moves all around in the stroller and wants to SEE everything! So much for the attached shade protecting him from the sun...we use this all the time and he’s protected and can still see all around him (and I can see him which I love as with the stroller shade up I can’t see him). I’m always sad when it’s windy and hard to use but other than that we love it! Must-have for hot, dangerous summer sun! I use it all the time on walks, outings to the beach, pool, zoo, etc! My baby got a little sun when using only our car seat/stroller and I didn’t want to ever take a chance at him getting burnt so I got this and I'm SO glad I did! It is extremely adjustable and I can make it work for so many different things. It keeps him cooler and safe from damaging sun rays!" —R. Jung

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in two sizes and eight colors).

    13. A sand-free beach mat because despite the fact that you're literally laying on ~billions~ of tiny crystals, you *will* lose your mind if any of said sand gets tracked back to your blanket. 

    a reviewer's blue beach mat with bags
    reviewer holding the folded up beach mat in their hand

    Promising review: "I go to the beach weekly in the summer, and this is a must-have. Comfortable, easy to clean, and helps keep the car clean." —greg

    Get it from Amazon for $17.89+ (available in six color/size combinations).

    14. A handy dandy ice roller that'll not only feel INCREDIBLE after some time in the sun, but it can also shrink the look of pores, reduce puffiness and redness, and relieve general fatigue. Some reviewers even recommend using them for migraine relief, too!

    reviewer's hand holding a plastic ice roller which is shaped like a shaving razor but with a bar that rolls at the end
    Reviewer using the ice roller on their face

    Promising review: "It's super awesome! It feels so cool with no mess. Must-have — especially for summer. Use it on your face, neck, and more." —shepar

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in 12 colors).

    15. A bottle of Burt's Bees Natural After Sun Soother — a must if you're prone to burns even when it's only 60 degrees and cloudy out. The aloe- and coconut oil-infused formula soothes and moisturizes to calm inflamed skin so it *doesn't* feel like your epidermis is being ripped off every time you change your top. 

    Promising review: "This smells kind of weird and medicinal, but it is a really effective product. I managed somehow to get a shockingly bad sunburn and this stuff was magic. I used it along with an aloe vera cooling gel. This really helped with peeling and redness, and within a few days, I looked more tanned than burnt like a lobster. It was definitely soothing, it calmed my skin, and it felt deeply moisturizing. It's kind of runny, which at first I thought was strange, but the runny-ness makes it much easier to rub into hot, sunburned skin without causing too much discomfort. I used this on my body and face, and didn't have any major issues with breakouts. This is a must-have summer product for me now." —juliabos

    Get it from Amazon for $9.49.

    16. A pair of gravity lounge chairs so you can stretch out in an ergonomic fashion. After being bent over your laptop all day like a lil' gremlin, it can do wonders for your lower back!

    a reviewer's blue lounge chairs in a pool
    a reviewer's gray chairs on a patio

    Promising review: "These are the best lounge chairs ever. I saw them at a family member's house and immediately had to have them. Reclining back is so comfortable! They are a summer must-have!" —Rebecca/Antonio

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $109.99 (available in 24 colors).

    17. A portable doggie water bottle that's both a bottle and a bowl, because if you're out on a walk and you're thirsty, your lil' buddy probably is too! This makes it super easy to keep them hydrated and you don't have to waste water or energy trying to cup your hands into a bowl for them to drink from.

    Promising review: "A must-have for hot summer days! This was a replacement for another brand. I have been using it for about three months. It has more capacity than my other one, which still worked fine, but this one is a clear upgrade. It is good quality and is working well. Easy to clean and dispensing action works well." —Wade Marquardt

    Get it from Amazon for $14.98+ (available in two sizes and colors). 

    18. A BedJet cooling and warming system which makes it possible to regulate your nighttime temperature so you can stop waking up in a pool of sweat.

    the white unit which has a tube that goes under the bed's sheets
    a hand holding the black remote which has a digital screen

    The futuristic gadget (which works on beds of all sizes) is outfitted with biorhythm sleep technology. Basically, that's just a fancy way of saying it's programmed to change the temperature each hour of the night to help you sleep better. You can also set the temperature to whatever degree you'd like using the accompanying remote. If you're a cold sleeper, you can also set it to heat mode, and it'll warm you up 15 times faster than a regular ol' blanket! Just plug the small unit into an outlet, slip the vacuum-like tube under your sheets, set your preferred temperature, and you're good to go. Since there are no wires or anything like that, it also won't affect the coziness of your mattress.

    Promising review: "There are plenty of glowing reviews for the BedJet. It's worth every single one of them. Very easy to set up and use via app or remote. For anyone that suffers even the slightest at night, due to being warm or waking up sweating...this is a must-have, and to call it a game-changer is an understatement. I wish this had been around years before now. Summer sleeping is at a new level of comfort." —Gene Hardison

    Get it from Amazon for $489.

    19. Revlon oil-absorbing volcanic face roller which works just like your go-to oil-blotting sheets but it doesn't create any extra waste! Just roll the mattifying stick all over your T-zone (or anywhere else that gets greasy) and soak up excess oil.

    Revlon oil-absorbing volcanic face roller
    Gif of reviewer using Revlon oil-absorbing volcanic face roller

    In case you're wondering — no, the volcanic roller doesn't mess up your makeup. And once you've given your face a quick touch-up, just twist off the top of the roller to release the stone and wash it before your next use.

    Promising review: "I can't believe I didn't try these sooner. They completely replace blotting papers. This thing is so cost-effective. Just wash it after use and let it dry, and you can use it over and over again. Totally absorbed excess facial oil without ruining my makeup. A must-have in summer for makeup lovers like myself." —Holly Dent

    Get it from Amazon for $11.90+ (available in two colors).

    20. A four-pack of static-clinging window shades that'll give your AC a helping hand when it comes to keeping your car at a bearable temperature. Ofc they're also great for keeping the sun out of your kids' and fur babies' eyes!

    Black car window shade on rear side door

    Promising review: "A miracle must buy. You must buy this product! I was absolutely blown away at how easily these cling to the window, stay put, but come off easily when needed. They provide amazing sun protection and keep the cabin of my car cooler. Despite this, my visibility is not affected by the mesh. I wish I had bought these years ago. It will save you from sweating unnecessarily this summer in your vehicle." —Pauline Armstrong

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99.

    21. A trampoline sprinkler because last time you checked, Typhoon Lagoon tickets are wayyyy out of your budget, and this baby is less than $20. Who knows what's in that water anyways...

    two kids jumping on the trampoline with the water hoses hooked up

    Promising review: "This is a must-have if you have a trampoline for those hot summer days. My husband and I didn't want to go the pool route (we are never home enough to enjoy it) so the kids received a trampoline from their grandparents and this was the PERFECT addition. It was SUPER easy to install and it works GREAT!! I highly recommend this product. This kids love it." —KJW

    Get it from Amazon $9.99+ (available in five styles).

    22. A bottle of Teddie Organics rose water toner spray with an anti-inflammatory formula that can calm an array of skin irritations from gnarly sunburns to pesky razor burns.

    reviewer photo showing red cheeks
    reviewer photo showing skin less red

    It'll also restore your skin's pH balance and absorb excess oil. It's everything you want your toner to do, except now you can use it WHEREVER. Plus it's organic and suitable for sensitive skin!

    Promising review: "A must-have for the dog days of summer!!! I live in Louisville, Kentucky. It's hot as Hades. I just finished working 15 days straight of the Kentucky State fair outside in a tent. I refreshed my skin several times a day with this rosewater spray. I look forward to these little breaks. It definitely felt refreshing and smelled beautiful. I definitely would recommend this for everyone. What a refreshing spray when ever you're in a slump. Your skin feels like it's alive again. It's worth every penny." —Andrea R.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95+ (available in two sizes).

    23. A high-voltage bug zapper that'll keep mosquitoes and moths at bay so you can enjoy being outside without feeling like you want to crawl out of your own skin. 

    reviewer holding the bug zapper from its handle
    reviewer photo of the bug zapper tray full of dead bugs

    Promising review: "Really great bug zapper and keeps my patio free of any mosquitoes. This is a must-have for the summer time in Florida." —Annie

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99.

    24. quilted hammock because taking a nap outdoors just hits different — especially when you're laying on something as comfortable and plush as a mattress topper.

    a reviewer's floral hammock
    reviewer's dog on a cream-colored hammock

    What's included: One pillow, two chains, and two S-shaped hooks. Stand is sold separately.

    Promising review: "I love this hammock!! It is comfortable, great material and looks good on my patio! Definitely a summer must-have!" —Vigor

    Get it from Amazon for $69.34+ (available in seven colors/prints).

    25. And a small but surprisingly loud Bluetooth speaker that's splashproof, and rainproof, and provides up to 14 hours of playtime, making it the perfect companion for pool days. 

    Promising review: "Speaker is a lifesaver at the water park, while grilling, or anywhere. A summer must-have. Sounds really good for such a small speaker." —Jake

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in various colors).

    Reviews in this post have been edited for length and/or clarity.