We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    If You Have A House Full Of Cats, Check Out These 33 A+ Products

    Coming from someone with an apartment run by her cats 🫡

    1. A self-grooming toy if your babies need 24/7 scritches and scratches and they just don't get the fact that you can't do that while you sleep/eat/use the bathroom or that you only have two hands, ya know?

    Promising review: "Now I bought this out of the fact that my cat likes to rub her face on EVERYTHING, so I thought she would like this and she absolutely LOVES THIS. Usually you think cheap cat things like this wouldn't work, and I thought the same, then my cat rubbed her face on it and it was like holy cow this actually works, like my cat actually likes this. A whole new experience tbh." —Raychelle Schar

    Get it from Amazon for $5.90

    2. A Chom Chom roller sure to put your regular ol' lint roller to shame. Forget ripping off sheets till you run out — this collects everything in a neat little compartment you simply empty out.

    A BuzzFeed editor's photo of her Chom Chom roller full of cat hair
    A different reviewer's before and after picture which shows a cushion covered in lint and fur and then nice and clean
    Chelsea Stuart / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    My cats shed like it's their full-time job and let me tell you — this thing is amazing. I used to vacuum my bed/rug/their favorite chair multiple times a week and follow that up with a traditional lint roller that I'd have to use 10 to 15 sheets in one go. With this nifty tool, I give whatever I'm cleaning a few good rolls and then empty out enough fur to felt them few cat toys (I don't *actually* do that, but I could if I wanted to).

    Promising review: "I honestly didn't think it would work but had tried everything else with little to no resolve. I currently have three Australian Cattle dogs and foster some from time to time. These dogs have double coats and shed A LOT. I had tried all of the 'pet vacuums' out there and not one lived up to their hype and their furniture attachments did nothing. I had seen this and watched the video and thought, could it really be that simple? This little thing could clean up cattle dog fur? I figured, why not, let's give it a shot. I am glad I did. I was pleasantly surprised with how quickly (and completely, I might add) it cleaned the dog fur off of my sectional, recliner, and ottoman. I highly recommend this product to any pet parent out there (especially the Australian Cattle dog ones!) You will not be disappointed." —Eva Furtado

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99.

    3. A tunnel bed should your bbs' love for toys only be surpassed by one other thing: sleep.

    a reviewer's two cats inside the tunnel
    a reviewer's three cats running around the outside of the tunnel

    Promising review: "Just got this today and my cat LOVES it! I couldn’t even get it put together before she was running inside of it. I really love the fact that this tunnel isn’t noisy. It's so quiet! It’s made out of fabric and not the loud crinkly plastic stuff most tunnels seem to be made out of. I will never buy another cat tunnel that isn’t covered with fabric. The only downside for me was putting it together. It was hard to get the zippers connected properly with a cat paw swatting me lol. I would recommend putting this together before your cat sees it." —MikaraB

    Get it from Amazon for $39.50+ (available in four colors/patterns).

    4. A box of Lil' Soups so when you order a three-course takeout meal, your cats can also partake in appetizers of their own.

    the butternut squash soup packaging
    BuzzFeed / Chelsea Stuart

    My cats go WILD for these. So much so that I now give it to them like once a month because they will hunger strike for them if they know they're in the house. So far, we've tried the sockeye salmon, shrimp in chicken broth, and chicken and butternut squash which is, surprisingly, their favorite.

    Promising review: "Ok my cat is absurdly spoiled. I tell him regularly that he’s a brat and that there are starving cats who will eat pate, but he doesn’t care. He’s almost 10 and recently he really only eats the gravy/liquid from his wet foods. I tried Friskies gravy sensations, had to give them away. Same with Fancy Feast gravy lovers and Fancy Feast broths. He would look at me, disgusted, like I’d offended him by even bringing the bowl by him, and then ignore the food until I threw it out. Sometimes, he would lick the top a few times and leave the shreds of meat. He eats these 'soups' like a Hoover vacuum. I’ve actually timed it and he can eat one in less than a minute. The vet says there’s nothing wrong, he’s just a pig. He’s never even competed for food, we’ve had him since he was six weeks old. I’d post a pic of the food but I can’t open one without being bombarded by cat yells. They look kind of like gritty cream sauce (ew) and smell like all canned cat food, vaguely fishy." —Cat

    Get a pack of eight from Amazon for $8.36+ (available in six flavors).

    5. Or a pack of squeezable treats that are basically Gogurts — just in feline-approved flavors like tuna and chicken.

    a reviewer's two cats sharing a tube of the treat
    three different flavor packs

    Tbh I saw these on TikTok and bought them immediately. My cats LOVE them and immediately ambush me whenever I pull them out of the cabinet. I like that they don't have any grains, preservatives, or artificial flavors or colors. They also provide extra hydration which is great for cats who don't drink a whole lot of water.

    Promising review: "Now I haven't tasted it myself but from my cat's reaction, she loves it. She does not mind her manners at all when she sees the tube come out. I think she would rip my arm off the get to it if she could. She enjoys all the flavors. I started off letting her lick it from the tube but she got a bit messy slobbering all over it and me so now I squeeze some on a little plate and let her go to town. I sometimes use it to get her to eat her food but she is clever. She licks it off the food and leaves the apparently nasty food there. Anyway, I recommend them. My cat can be picky but she loves — and that is not a strong enough word — these." —Tracy Brethorst

    Get a pack of 12 from Amazon for $11.58.

    6. A self-cleaning Litter-Robot because as much as I love my cats, there are few household chores I loathe more than scooping their poop. Even worse, the little devils seem to enjoy watching me do it.

    a cat using a white litter-robot

    The Wi-Fi–enabled box self cleans, reduces litter usage up to 50%, manages odors with a carbon-filtered waste drawer, and settings can be controlled via an app on your smartphone. You can lock the buttons on the actual box so your cat doesn't mess with them; you can set a 3-, 7-, or 15-minute delay before the unit cycles (after your cat has used the box); and it'll notify you when the waste drawer needs to be manually emptied. Otherwise, just set it and forget it.

    Promising review: "Buy one! They're amazing! OMG I love this thing, first, I was totally afraid of putting it together. YOU DON'T HAVE TO!! You pull it out of the box and it’s totally ready to go!!! Super easy to start up. Then this thing has changed my life. I can’t believe all I have to do is take the little bag out and refill the litter sometimes. It’s so easy. I don’t even think about it. It tells me when to change it and I change it and that’s it. I love this thing and am so happy with my purchase. Also one of my cats is super obsessed with watching it. He gets so much entertainment out of it. Win win." —Jessica S.

    Get it from Litter-Robot for $549 (available in two colors).

    7. A three-tier cat toy with polka-dotted balls they can bat at. One of my cats puts her arms on both sides and essentially plays a modified version of tetherball just with herself.

    Both of my cats love this but one, in particular, just can't get enough of this thing — especially in the middle of the night. More than once, I've woken up to her *punching* it and sliding it across the living room floor. She also loves to flip it over so it stands on the smallest tier and idk why but sure??

    Promising review: "An instant hit in the house! My two highly energetic kittens loved the toy from the moment I unpacked it. I was thinking to get a similar cat chase toy with a scratching pad but I settled for this one at last and it may have been a better idea! It's a good toy for a multiple cat household as it has three tiers. A relief to know that the kittens can occupy themselves when nobody is home as this is neither powered by batteries or their humans. If only they stop attacking and my bathtub drainer when I am gone! Eww dudes! Highly recommended." —Tammy S.

    Get it from Amazon for $8.79.

    8. A cat dancing toy that literally costs less than $4 (it's just a steel wire with some rolled cardboard on the end) but proves IRRESISTIBLE to kitty babies the world over.

    a reviewer's cat jumping in the air to play with the toy
    another shot of the same cat

    Promising review: "This is the best $ I've ever spent on a cat toy. She goes WILD! Even GLADLY flew into a TV once cause she was flying after it. No harm, she just grabbed it in her mouth, trotted to the kitchen, and continued to chase! I don't know if it looks like a bug to them or what but I'm getting one for every cat owner I know. It's such a surprisingly great buy. I think even Big Cats would like this. Buy it now! It's only a few bucks :)" —ShawnaO Reviews

    Get it from Amazon for $3.53+ (available in packs of 1–5).

    9. A pack of all-natural matabi chew sticks — a catnip alternative that's somehow even more tantalizing than anything they've tried before. The pack comes with 10 sticks, so you won't have to break up any fights, either. 

    a BuzzFeed editor holding the meowy jane chew sticks
    a buzzfeed editor's cat smelling the chew stick
    Meowy Janes / Etsy

    Meowy Janes is a New Jersey-based small business that specializes in catnip alternatives. They work with sustainable, family-owned farms to source their natural products.

    I recently tried some of these out with my cats and they were a hit! TBH they've never really been super into catnip — they'll play with it but they don't go wild — so I was excited to see they were into these. They bat them around, rub their faces all over them, and ultimately, when they're done, hide them under a chair or in their cat condo so they can come back to them later.

    Promising review: "I have two cats, one special needs almost blind kitty, and one very lovey-dovey, very vocal kitty. The special needs kitty has not warmed up to these yet, but she usually needs extra time with new things. But my talkative kitty just loves them! I scraped off some bark as instructed, and she gnawed, tossed, chased and altogether enjoyed them." —Grace Cook

    Get them from Meowy Janes on Etsy for $11.85 or on Amazon for $10.21.

    10. An interactive tunnel and assortment of toys, because ~statistically speaking,~ you have a better chance of success when presenting your cats with 20 different toys instead of just one.

    a reviewer's cat inside of the tunnel looking out the small window
    a cat in the multicolor tunnel

    Promising review: "Bought this bundle for my three cats. They love it all!!! The tunnel is bigger than I expected. It can fit all three of my 1+ year old, average weight, female, domestic short hairs. Tight fit with all three of them but bigger than I thought anyway! Room to run and turn around. The toys are super fun!!! So many fun colors and textures — there’s something in here that each of my cats likes. I think this is a great deal!!!!" —Eli

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in four shapes).

    11. A 72-inch cat condo (with 10 sisal scratching poles) so your kitties can spy on the neighbor's children, or — in my case — the Ecuadorian food truck that's always bumping just a stone's throw from my apartment.

    A BuzzFeed editor's two cats hanging out on the cat tree
    a cat on the second tier of the black cat condo
    Chelsea Stuart / BuzzFeed, Chewy

    Promising review: "I have two cats — one who's 18 pounds and one who's 10 pounds. They both love this cat tree. Received it in three days. I thought I would have to anchor it but so far no problems. They love being able to sit on top and watch everything going on outside. I have it in a corner and it is very stable and I don't think I will have to anchor it to a wall. They sleep on it and chase each other up and down on it all day. Would highly recommend this tree. I am 65 and put it together myself." —Kimmie

    Get it from Chewy for $99.99 (available in six colors).

    12. Or a multilevel tower you'll all enjoy as there's plenty of room to play, but it could also easily pass an industrial bookshelf instead of a cat condo.

    three cats using the multi-tier cat tree
    a cat lying on one of the cushioned shelves

    I bought this to replace an old cat condo that had made one too many moves and was all wobbly. I was worried my cats wouldn't be into it at first since it was SO different from their old one, but after a few days they warmed up to it! TBH, I selfishly got it because it's so much more aesthetically pleasing than your typical cat furniture and it takes up wayyyyy less space in my living room but luckily they love it — especially the little box which gives them a secure place to nap. To zhuzh it up further and make it even more appealing for them, I added four circular scratching pads that I bought on Amazon (I attached them with some peel-and-stick Velcro strips so when they wear out, I can easily replace them). Oh and assembly was pretty easy! Just know that it isn't free standing — it screws into your wall with (included) anchors so that's something to keep in mind if you're worried about putting holes in your wall.

    Get it from Wayfair for $88.99 (originally $137.99).

    13. 12-piece set of spiral springs if your cats are ~basic~ and will play with just about anything. (PS: That isn't a dig — I'm simply jealous because my picky cats would never.)

    a reviewer's cat with a pink spring
    the springs in green, blue, pink, and yellow

    Promising review: "I do cat foster care and have 18 cats in my house right now (I KNOW!). They all love these ridiculous little springs. I don't get it. Because they roll and bounce, they have just enough movement for everyone to be running after them. BE PREPARED. They will be found under every appliance, door, and piece of furniture you own. Do yourself a favor. They are cheap — order two packs right away." —Mixed Blessings

    Get the 12-piece set from Amazon for $4.99.

    14. A fuzzy, purring cat toy that helps calm kitties with anxiety. If your pandemic babe simply can't be separated from you or their siblings for any period of time, this is certainly worth a shot.

    a reviewer's kitten with the purple purring toy
    a different reviewer's cat kneading the toy

    The toy purrs for a solid two minutes when squeezed or cuddled so your cat can activate it on their own.

    Promising review: "I was super skeptical but I'm glad that I was wrong. I foster kittens. Some love it. Some couldn't care less. The reason I gave it 5 stars is because my special needs kitten finds such comfort in this toy. Corey was diagnosed with Cerebellar Hypoplasia. His motor skills, coordination, and balance were compromised in utero. He has head shakes and his back left leg is weak. He is my little loner boy. I was so happy to see him loving this toy! I just added four more on my foster wish list." —Michham

    Get it from Amazon for $15.83.

    15. A UFO-shaped teaser with two 360-degree battery-operated butterflies and a track with two impossible-to-remove balls. The dual toy can be used as is or even separated if your kitties are territorial and want their own toy. 

    The butterfly teasers run off of three AA batteries — so be sure to pick those up, too!

    Promising review: "BEST purchase ever made on planet earth! It has kept my two kitties busy for over an hour...still loving it and i can take a break from worrying they're getting into trouble! Buy this...now!" —Molly M.

    Get it from Amazon for $15.39+ (available in seven colors).

    16. Some mouse-shaped feeders that will keep your cats on their toebeans by encouraging their natural hunting instincts. Fill them up with food, hide them somewhere in the house, and then let 'em loose.

    a buzzfeed writer's cat with the small mouse-shaped feeder
    a buzzfeed writer's cat inspecting the box the mice come in
    Mallory Mower / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "YOU MUST BUY THIS RIGHT NOW. I heard about this product on a cat podcast (yes, I’m that type of cat mom) and this has helped my girl in so many ways. She’s a Siamese so she gets pretty chunky, and I work long days so I’m not there to supervise or give her regular meals. My cat also has the intelligence of a Petco goldfish so I was worried she would never be able to learn how to use it. On the very first night I filled the mice she started to understand that food came out when she picked them up by the tail. This has helped me and her so much; she isn’t bored at home, she isn’t overeating (and pooping), and she isn’t driving me crazy in the middle of the night for more food. I love, love, love this product." —Emi Kusak

    And here's more from BuzzFeed Shopping writer Mallory Mower!:

    "I started a hunting system for my cats when I felt like they were getting lethargic during the winter. One of our cats was overweight because he would sit and eat the dry food left out when he was bored. With these he'll 'hunt,' eat one, and not eat again until he's ready to go hunting. I've written a full review on this clever feeding system before because I refuse to stop recommending it!"

    Get it from Amazon for $14.90.

    17. A macramé cat hammock so visually arresting, it may just convince your fur baby to give up the Amazon box they've been calling home for the last month. Since it's made out of a bunch of strings, I don't see how they wouldn't at least be intrigued.

    Two cats lounging on separate macrame hammock beds
    Macrame Beautiful / Etsy

    Macrame Beautiful is a small business based in Beijing that sells stunning macramé pieces like planters, wall decor, and baskets.

    Promising review: "This is my second purchase and I will continue to buy!! The craftsmanship is so beautiful. It is evident she enjoys what she does. Every item is packed with care and in adorable resealable pouches. Sweet stickers with handwritten notes and beautifully printed 'how to care for and clean the items.' My kittens love their hammock!" —Annie Zummo

    Get it from Macrame Beautiful on Etsy for $58.64+ (available in two styles and with one, two, or no cushions).

    18. A large catnip-spiked cotton swab if your lil' angels have an affinity for the real thing. Give them this and maybe, 🤞🏻just maybe, they'll stop pulling used ones out of the trash.

    the cotton swab-shaped toy in pink, green, and yellow
    a cat with a yellow cotton swab-shaped toy
    Oddball Cat Toys / Etsy

    Oddball Cat Toys is a woman-owned, Rapid City, South Dakota–based small biz from Anne Springer (and her seven cats) that's been selling all sorts of fun toys, collars, and bandanas since 2013.

    Promising review: "Beautiful handcrafted cat toy. It came super quick, and is the perfect size for both my kitties to enjoy. My tabby is in love with this toy, she bops at it with her little paws, and chases it around all the time. My sphynx was a little more hesitant at first, but once she realized mommy wasn't going to get her in trouble for playing with this particular 'forbidden toy' (cotton swabs are her favorite but I don't let her play with them) she was all for bopping and chasing and chewing it lol. I plan on buying more in the future!" —katherine810

    Get it from Oddball Cat Toys on Etsy for $7 (available in six colors and with or without bells and catnip).

    19. A Chewy Goody Box because what's better than a single new toy? A whole dang box of new toys and treats!

    A Chewy Goody Box with toy mice, treats, a collar, and various toys

    What's included: Three trending toys, two full-size treat bags, a collar, and a collectible box. 

    Promising review: "Butterbean loved the box! A perfect starter kitten box. We got to try different toys to see what he likes. He went straight to the balls that go around and around. He will play the top dangle but he loves batting the balls around and around more. The little pack of multiple mice are a big hit. Small enough for him to pick up and carry around everywhere. The mouse on the elastic cord is perfect. We attached a keychain ring to it and hung it on a door handle. Works perfectly him. Of course the treats are always a hit. The collar is a touch big for him but he will grow into it. The bell lets me know when he is about to attack I highly recommend this box!! A great way to get to know what your baby likes." —FrogsnFlowers

    Get it from Chewy for $24.99 (originally $37.04).

    20. A floppy robotic fish that only moves when your cat interacts with it. Once they get the hang of it, I guarantee they'll be karate chopping and bunny kicking the ish out of it.

    The fish comes with a small bag of catnip as well as USB charger so you can juice it up whenever your cat kills the battery.

    Promising review: "I'm never sure if a new cat toy will be received as well as I hope, but this one sure delivered! My three cats have been playing with it almost non-stop, except for when I have to take it away to charge it. One of them pretty much hogs it and the other two can't get near it, though they try. It took them a few minutes to realize that they had to touch it to get it to move when it stopped flopping, but once they understood it, they were off to the races. I can't speak to the durability of it, but since the cover can be removed for cleaning, I'm thinking it should last a long time — fingers crossed." —Amazon Gal

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in four styles).

    21. laptop-shaped scratcher if the last few years of WFH life have led your cats to believe that they *too* have a 9 to 5. It's this or have them all piled on top of you and that makes it quite hard to type...

    a cat staring at the fake laptop screen
    Uncommon Goods

    Promising review: "I saw this when browsing Uncommon Goods and purchased it as what I thought would be a gag gift for my sister. Funny thing is...it actually works! Comments from my sister: 'My cat made my laptop keyboard unusable by treating it as a scratching post and popping the keys out. I finally gave up and purchased a cheap wireless keyboard to use with it. My sister gave me this cardboard laptop as a gift, which my cat now loves! I wish I had known about this earlier as my laptop would still be intact.'" —RedBirdWoman

    Get it from Uncommon Goods for $35.

    22. A gentle deshedding glove because all cat owners know that if you go too long without a good brush, you *will* have soccer ball-sized fur bunnies blowing all around your home.

    A BuzzFeed editor brushing their cat with the blue deshedding glove
    reviewer's photo of the glove next to a giant ball of fur they removed from their cat
    Chelsea Stuart / BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Promising review: "I was skeptical about this product since I kept seeing ads for it on Instagram, and usually when I see Instagram ads the product is trash. But this thing works! My cat always tries to chew on the brush before, and now, after some light coaxing, he gets excited when I take the glove out! He's so playful that he still tries to bite the glove but overall it probably feels like some great scritchies! For the most part I use it with the 'grain' of his hair but I will go back and forth to loosen up his winter coat. It's satisfying to peel off the layer of hair on the glove. The hair does end up going everywhere, in addition to filling up the glove. I usually end up lint rolling the cat and myself after I brush him because there's always a little residual hair floating around, which is to be expected. The nonrubber side of the glove quickly got stuck with hair, but it's not a huge deal. The fact that my kitty actually enjoys being brushed with his thing is more than worth it. I HIGHLY recommend this product; I have already told my friends about it and told them to buy it. I wish I was getting paid to write this!" —KB

    Get it from Amazon for $6.79.

    23. A door latch that'll come in particularly clutch for blended pet families. Have a puppy that WON'T stop eating your cat's food or — even worse — their poop?? Pop this on the door and it'll allow your feline just enough room to go in and out of their space while also blocking out their naughty sibling. 

    The white door strap
    a reviewer's cat poking their head out of a door that's latched with the strap

    Promising reviews: "Works like a charm!!! I have small dogs and was worried this wouldn't work for them but I decided to try it anyways. So glad that I did! It keeps them out of the poop and it stops them from eating my cats' food. The cats go in and out with no problem! My dogs are approximately 9 pounds. I have a Yorkie and a Morkie. It works great! So glad I purchased!" —Harmony A.

    "I was searching for a baby gate with a cat door on it to keep in the doorway to where we keep our litter box and I came across the Door Buddy. It was just what we needed. We need to keep the door open just enough for the cat to get in and out. We were worried it wouldn't be strong enough to keep our dog out, but it is. I like being able to adjust the strap and it is easy to open and close. We really do love our Door Buddy! We are happy, the cat is happy, and our dog's breath is happy. :)" —Brianne

    Get it from Amazon for $16.94.

    24. An automatic water fountain for those with picky pets who refuse to drink from a regular bowl. My cats drank solely from *my* water glasses until I picked this up and now I only have to wash/refill it once a week!

    A reviewer's photo of the white pet fountain and their cat
    a BuzzFeed editor's cat drinking from the fountain
    www.amazon.com, Chelsea Stuart / BuzzFeed

    The fountain is super, super quiet unless it needs to be refilled in which case it gurgles. I honestly like that, though, as it's impossible to miss so I know I won't ever let it run completely dry. It also has a soft blue light that really comes in handy at night.

    Promising review: "Love that this constantly rotates the water and has a filter built in. It can be so tedious not only replenishing all the dog bowls but cleaning them out when they get hair or saliva or dust in them. This holds 2L and self cleans in a way. I'll still clean it out for my own sake but can think about refilling and cleaning a lot less regularly. I have it hooked up to a smart plug so it runs during the day and turns off automatically at night when no one is in the room. It's really quiet and relaxing — I have this one in my home office. But when it gets too low it will gargle and get's really loud tbh. Anyways, the dog took a while to accept it but now gladly uses it at will — still prefers his other water bowls but not sure if that's just due to habit and familiarity or actual preference." —Packy

    Get it from Amazon for $23.99+ (available in two sizes and four styles).

    25. A pack of Burt's Bees pH-balanced, dander-reducing wipes if your babies have trouble grooming themselves, deal with dry skin and irritation, or just love to indulge in a good litter box swim whenever they're unsupervised. 

    Promising review: "I was a bit skeptical when I bought this package of wipes. I have a black cat that has a bad case of dandruff and his back fur always feels somewhat dirty. I decided to give it a try. It actually helps the dandruff and his fur feels much cleaner. The wipes don't appear to have a smell but I haven't put my nose right up to them. I use one wipe every three or four days to keep his fur looking its best. The great news it that my cat lets me clean him with these (he actually purrs) I will continue to use these and thankful I found them." —Janet

    Get them from Amazon for $7.48+ (available in packs of 50, 100, 150, and 300).

    26. A zebra-print activity mat that looks exactly like a baby play mat and that just tickles me pink. If your kitties could use some tummy time, the attached hanging toys will keep them entertained.

    a reviewer's cat on the zebra-print mat
    a different reviewer's cat interacting with the mat

    Promising review: "My cat simply loves this! He dives right into it, sometimes even doing somersaults into it, and it has really held up nicely! He's 15 pounds, so he's not small, and it bounces right back into place after he pounces on it. It moves with him, and has provided hours of entertainment for him and for me! Highly recommend for active cats." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in two styles).

    27. A 40-pound bag of dust-free clumping litter because having to 1. Buy cat litter at the store and then carry it into your house and 2. Actually clean the litter box are the two worst parts of cat parenthood.

    the bag of litter, a litter scooper, and a cat's paw
    Dr. Elsey's

    I live in a second-story apartment in NYC so I really don't have many options when it comes to cat litter. With Amazon's subscribe and save, though, I can get a 40-pound bag delivered right to my door so I don't have to carry it back from a store or even up my own stairs! If you live in a multi-cat household, I think it's especially worthwhile because while those little two-pound bags are easy to carry, they go reallyyyy fast. This stuff also clumps up SO well and keeps odor at bay which is a major blessing.

    Promising review: "I can hardly believe how well it does the job. It eliminate odors and absorbs excellently. I will only buy this litter from now on and my cat 💘s it. P.S.: I've tried at least 10 kinds of cat litter and they are very costly. This one's price is just right and works in every way I need it to. Thank you!" —Paula Stokes

    Get it from Amazon for $16.95+ (available in two sizes).

    28. plush anti-anxiety donut bed with a raised rim that keeps your kittens feeling nice and secure. The fluffy material also mimics cat fur, so it feels like they're cuddling their mom.

    a buzzfeed editor's gray cat sleeping inside of the gray anti-anxiety bed
    Chelsea Stuart / BuzzFeed

    Both of my cats took to this as soon as we got it. They store their toys in there, nap in there, and make a wholeeee lot of biscuits. They have a few beds that they use but this one seems to be their favorite and I think the high walls are definitely why. Sometimes they use the sides as a pillow and other times they bury their heads into the interior and curl up in a little ball. My only complaint is that they don't sell one in my size. 😞

    Promising review: "I rescue geriatric cats and do medical fostering so I have great appreciation for reasonably priced equipment. These are fabulous! They are quite comfortable for cats with arthritis and joint problems or just feel miserable due to whatever health issues they have. These are calming and incredibly easy to wash and dry. They hold up very well and best of all they are affordable." —M. M. Robinson

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in six sizes and seven colors).

    29. A "jingle and roll" cat kicker toy laced with organic catnip, silvervine, and valerian root so intoxicating, they might just get their fill of scratching and biting it instead of their siblings or your arm. 

    a cat kicking the gray sisal-covered tube
    HoffnPaw Pet Toys / Etsy

    HoffnPaw Pet Toys is a small, Chicago-based biz that creates handmade, eco-friendly pet toys. Owner David says his cats Sweetp and Simba serve as his inspiration. 

    Promising review: "She's obsessed! My cat has not let go of her new favorite toy since I took it out of the package. In fact, she's currently napping atop it. Excellent construction, fast shipping, and very communicative seller." —Sarah Mersch

    Get it from HoffnPaw Pet Toys on Etsy for $15.25+ (available in sizes S–L and four colors). 

    30. A set of elevated ceramic bowls that are not only super sleek, but also ergonomically designed to help your bebes avoid whisker fatigue and prevent throwing up. 

    a reviewer's black and white cat eating from the elevated feeder
    different reviewer's grey cat eating from the bowls

    Promising review: "I must admit I was skeptical that the angle and height of a bowl could make a difference in preventing my cat from vomiting, but I am now a believer. My cat routinely threw up two to three times a week — she is on a limited-ingredient soft food diet which was recommended by my vet. These did stop the daily vomiting, but I still was cleaning up after her each week. Since she has been using this product, she has not vomited in over three weeks. I truly think she feels better and I know I am much happier!"Karen U.

    Get the two-bowl stand from Amazon for $23.21+ (available in two finishes).

    31. A litter-trapping honeycomb mat because there is nothing more disturbing than stepping out of the shower, walking to your room, and immediately feeling cat litter on the bottom of your foot. And if you have 2+ cats??? Well multiply the horror factor. 

    the black mat under a reviewer's cat box
    the black mat opened to show collected litter

    My cats used to track litter alllllll over the house and no matter how often I swept, it was always there. In the living room, in my bedroom, even up on the couch. 🤮 That stopped as soon as I got this mat. Now, my cats step out of their litter box, wipe their feet on this, and voila! Clean toe beans! Plus, once it fills up, it's super easy to empty as it's designed like an envelope with one open end.

    Promising review: "We no longer have litter scattered throughout the house. I just have to remember to empty it. Nice looking and effectively hides the litter it collects. Just place it the to the side your kitty hops out of the box on, as they never leap out of the side intended for exiting! :)" —CharleezMom

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in sizes M–XXL and in nine colors).

    32. An airtight rolling container that makes storing dry food and cat litter SO much easier. Instead of keeping 20- and 30-pound bags on hand, just transfer everything to these and it'll keep them fresh.

    a reviewer's cat eating food out of the open container
    a reviewer's container full of cat litter

    I got two of the 33-quart containers and they make life so much easier. Since I store my cats' litter in a different room than their litter boxes (reminder: I live in NYC and have no room!), I am able to just roll it over whenever I clean out their litter box.

    Promising review: "I got this so I didn't have to drag a 30-pound bag out of this tiny-sized cupboard every time that I needed to refill my cats' food containers. It is great. I found a perfect spot for it. It maneuvers great, keeps the food fresh, and keeps nosy cats out of it, too! I love my container. It will save my back so much work." —Wendy Schlickeiser

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in six sizes and two colors).

    33. And pair of play-'n'-squeak mice if your formerly feral babies still love to hunt and you'd prefer they stalk these instead of your toes.

    a reviewer's cat playing with the mouse
    the two mice

    Promising review: "My cat is flipping OUT. The instant I pulled the tab and tossed it to him, he flailed and slapped it across the floor. He's been playing for 20 minutes straight, and talking about it the whole time. Kitty's rough on his toys, so I anticipate having to perform emergency mouse surgery sooner than later — but for now? This toy's worth every penny." —Emily S.

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $9.99.

    Reviews in this post have been edited for length and/or clarity.