A Redditor Asked People To Name A Food That They Don't Understand Why People Like, And It's Hilarious

    "If I wanted that taste, I would eat the filter from a fish tank."

    Recently, Reddit user u/mangopeach2 asked: "What's one food that you cannot understand why people enjoy?"

    A woman making a stank face while holding a fork of food in front of her face

    Here's how people responded:

    1. "Cottage cheese."


    2. "Caviar, oysters, and snails."


    3. "Black licorice."


    Black licorice

    4. "Excessively built-up greasy, greasy hamburgers. The kind with, like, three patties made of three different animals, bacon, four types of cheese, zillion condiments, and just built sky-high to the point you can't even take a bite without it falling apart and half the contents shitting out the back end of the sandwich onto your plate. Picture something served à la Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives."


    5. "Olives."


    6. "Raw tomato."


    7. "Balut."



    8. "Chitterlings…of all the food available, someone is choosing shit shoots. Smh."


    9. "Chicken feet."


    10. "Candied apples. I always dreamed of trying one as a kid, then was massively disappointed when I found it was awful to chew, too hard and sticky to be enjoyable, and didn't have much flavor. Caramel apples with candy stuck on them are so much better."


    Candied apples

    11. "Liver. If I wanted that taste, I would eat the filter from a fish tank."


    12. "London's jellied eels. Wtf."


    13. "Blue cheese. Literally rotten cheese. I know it's 'safe mold,' but it still tastes horrendous. They say it's an acquired taste. Why would you want to acquire a taste for mold?"


    A block of blue cheese

    14. "Japanese blowfish. You can literally die if it's prepared incorrectly."


    15. "Cou-Cou. It's part of our national dish, and it just tastes awful to me, but any time I say I don't like it, someone tells me the person who made it probably didn't make it right."


    16. "Lutefisk and surströmming."


    17. "Potatoes."


    What are some popular foods that you personally don't like? Drop 'em in the comments below.

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.