People Are Sharing Drinks They Think People Only "Pretend" To Like, And I Am Truly Shocked

    "I can't understand the people who say they enjoy the taste of any type of alcohol."

    Recently, Reddit user u/DeplorableKurt asked, "What’s a beverage you're sure everyone just pretends tastes good?"

    The responses were hilarious — but, also, divisive. Here's what people said.

    1. "Coconut water."


    2. "Eggnog."


    Bowls of eggnog

    3. "Black coffee. If you have to develop an acquired taste for something, it probably doesn't actually taste good."


    4. "Moxie."


    5. "Diet Pepsi."


    "Any diet soda, really."


    A young woman drinking soda from a glass

    6. "Kombucha."


    "Everyone always says, 'I know you say you don't like Kombucha, but you'll like this one!' No, I do not."


    7. "Sparkling water. Someone once quipped that drinking it is like drinking TV static, and ever since then, I can't unthink it."


    Bottles of soda water

    8. "Gin. To me, it tastes like after shave."


    "Gin and tonic, too. How do you take two things that taste absolutely awful, and somehow, they're kinda tolerable? I don't get it."


    9. "Jägermeister."


    10. "IPAs."


    An IPA in a glass

    11. "An Aperol spritz."


    "Alcohol in general. On a number of occasions, I've heard people say a drink tastes just like apple pie or cotton candy, when in reality, it tastes like you maybe took a bite of those things and then spat it out and poured pure alcohol in your mouth. It maybe helps get the alcohol down, but I can't understand the people who say they enjoy the taste of any type of alcohol."


    12. "V8 vegetable juice."


    "Who in their right mind wants a cup of what tastes like watery Chef Boyardee sauce to go with their meal? How does that not make you more thirsty than before?"


    13. "Beverly. But I don't think anybody drinks it because they like it. I think they drink it because they consider it medicinal. It's basically carbonated quinine water!"

    14. "Hot chocolate. It's really just chocolate soup."

    Hot chocolate

    15. "Spirulina green drinks. I had one because I kept hearing how healthy they are. Later, I was projectile vomiting. I'll never drink them willingly again."


    16. "Dasani water."


    17. "Anything that uses artificial sweetener. The stuff is rancid, and everyone tells me they can't taste the difference when the stuff has this bitter aftertaste and doesn't taste even close to sugar."


    What are some drinks you're pretty sure people only pretend to like? Tell me in the comments below!