"Immediate Red Flag For Me": People Are Sharing Popular Phrases And Expressions That Need To Go Away Immediately

    "Immediate red flag for me."

    Recently, Reddit user u/Artistic-Rip8184 asked, "What phrases/expressions make your eye twitch when you hear people say them?" Some, you'll probably agree with; others might make you feel personally attacked.

    Here's what people said:

    1. "'I just tell it like it is.' 9/10 times that person is the rudest person you're gonna meet that year."


    2. "I'm so OCD right now. I'm so ADHD."


    Woman annoyed

    3. "'Can we circle back?' My eyes are getting dizzy from all this twisting!"


    4. "I HATE when people justify their shitty behavior with their astrological sign. 'I'm such a Virgo. 🤪' 'Just Capricorn things. 🤭'"


    5. "My mate says 'Potato, Tomato,' and it just gets me."


    6. "'Everything happens for a reason,' especially in response to a loved one's death. Seriously, fuck off."


    7. "At work: 'We are a family.'"


    "Immediate red flag for me. No one fucks you over quite like family does."


    8. "Every time someone says 'thank you' to my one coworker, he responds with, 'My pleasure, my treasure.'"


    9. "I was today years old."


    10. "Influencer. Ugh."


    11. "When people say 'I could care less' instead of 'I COULDN'T care less.' Saying you 'could care less' implies that you DO care, if even a little."


    12. "'No offense' followed by a lame-ass insult that doesn't apply to me."


    13. "I could care less if you are being pacific or not. Just get me an expresso."


    "Straight to jail."


    14. "Speaking my truth."


    "And the worst part about people who tend to say stuff like this is that they have absolutely no respect or tolerance for someone else's truth, so the entire thing is really meaningless. They're just using the whole 'speaking my truth' thing as a shield and round-about way of saying, 'What I believe is correct, and everyone else is wrong.'"


    What are some other phrases and expressions you hate hearing? Tell me in the comments below.

    Note: Some responses have been edited for length and/or clarity.