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    10 Tips To Traveling Without Emptying The Bank

    I don't know about you, but I am not going to wait until I retire to travel the world.

    People ask me on a daily basis how I can afford to travel all the time.

    I'm a 21-year-old girl who has two jobs, goes to school full time, and with whatever spare time I have, I try to have a social life. I have bills to pay just like everyone else, so it kills me when people make up excuses to put off traveling.I don't know about you, but I am not going to wait until I retire to travel the world. So before you think of an excuse to stop you from experiencing this beautiful world, consider my top ten secrets to traveling without hurting your bank account.

    1. Be strict with yourself.

    Before you make a purchase, ask yourself if you actually need it, or if you want it.

    2. Put a certain amount of money from each paycheck aside in a vacation fund.

    It can either be $5, or $50. Whatever you think you can afford.

    3. Utilize Airbnb and your connections.

    If you don't know what an Airbnb is, look it up. It cost about a fourth of a hotel and you get to meet some really cool people.

    Also, don't be afraid to ask your friends if you can crash at their place for a few nights to save some money.

    4. Don't eat out for every meal.

    Go to the grocery store on the first day you arrive at your destination and stock up on snacks and breakfast items.

    This will save you money when you get cravings and it's healthier because you aren't eating out for every single meal.

    5. Use Uber, Lyft, and public transportation.

    Forget getting a rental car, unless you're somewhere in the middle of the Sahara desert. You know what, even then, still don't waste money on a rental.

    Ride a camel.

    6. Buy your plane ticket months in advance.

    I typically buy my plane tickets two months in advance, but sometimes if you buy too early you actually end up spending more.

    However, some airlines will actually pay you the difference if the price of your flight drops. Also, price alerts are your best friend.

    7. Use coupons and sites like Groupon.

    Instead of taking those tourist brochures that they hand out like popcorn, look on Groupon first to find fun activities for a better price.

    Groupon is free and you can use your location to find sweet deals around you.

    8. Research your destination before you go.

    If you have a plan established, you're less likely to make random, expensive splurges.

    Decide exactly what it is you want to do so that you don't waste time or money.

    9. Travel in groups.

    You don't have to travel as a whole school of fish, but if you travel with at least one other person, it cuts some of the bills like Airbnb's and Uber's in half.

    10. Finally, don't be picky!

    So your Airbnb might not be the nicest, but if you're out on vacation, you should be exploring anyway! I literally only use my Airbnb's to sleep and store my bags.

    If you're really trying to save money, don't expect everything to be gold and glitter. The experiences you make while traveling will make up for the springy mattress.