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    Nerdfighteria: My Fandom Family

    “A Nerdfighter is a person who instead of being made out of bones and skin and tissue is made entirely of awesome.” — John Green, How to Be Nerdfighter

    Welcome to Nerdfighteria

    What is a Nerdfighter?

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    In 2006, brothers John (award-winning novelist of The Fault in Our Stars) and Hank Green (Prominent Wizard Wrock artist and entrepreneur) realized that they hadn’t been keeping in touch with each other quite as much as they wanted to. They lived in different states and rarely conversed face to face. They’d send an email here, a text there, but that was about it. Deciding this was not an adequate amount of correspondence, they started a YouTube channel with which they would make videos back and forth to each. Their username was "vlogbrothers." They named the project Brotherhood 2.0 and came up with several rules regarding the channel. They were not allowed any textual communication. Later on they also decided that videos were not allowed to be more than four minutes long (unless it was educational). If they failed to make a video on their respective days or broke a rule, they’d have to do some sort of embarrassing punishment of the other’s choosing. On January 1, 2007, Hank posted their first video and in the ten years since, a worldwide fanbase has grown around them. These fans call themselves Nerdfighters.

    Nerdfighter Dictionary

    “DFTBA”, “French the Llama!”, “Pizza John” and “Worldsuck” These are just a few of the inside jokes that come with the Nerdfighter membership. With hundreds of hours of YouTube footage and millions of fans all over the world, our own jargon started to develop and is still growing to this day. It can be a little daunting when faced with it for the first time. It took me a lot of time on YouTube, Tumblr, the Nerdfighter Ning website, and Facebook to really understand all of them. Here are a few:




    Notsome is the opposite of awesome.

    The Nerdfighter Gang Sign


    Worldsuck is basically the amount of “suck” in the world. Examples of worldsuck include poverty, illness, starvation, homophobia, and other things that make the world a worse place to live in. Above all things, Nerdfighteria wants to decrease worldsuck and we do so through charity projects such as the annual Project for Awesome, Esther Day, Equality FTW, and working with existing charities such as The Harry Potter Alliance, This Star Won’t Go Out,, Kiva, and the Bill Gates Foundation. We also strive to spread a message of positivity by getting together with other Nerdfighters for fun activities and community service projects.

    Nerdfighter Gathering

    "French the Llama!"

    Pizza John

    Project for Awesome

    The above is only a small example of how many inside jokes, ideologies, and jargon the Nerdfighter community has. Sometimes it feels as though we have our own language. If I tell the average human being “I’m having a notsome day” they’ll have no idea what I’m talking about. If I tell this to a Nerdfighter, however, the sentiment is easily understood that I’m having a crappy day.

    Is it a Cult?

    Esther Earl

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    It is hard for me to talk about Esther without crying, as it is for many Nerdfighters whether they knew her or not. Esther, known as cookie4monster4 on YouTube, was an integral part of the Nerdfighter community for a long time, even as her illness progressed. John Green described her as “a really amazing kid. She was astonishingly empathetic. She was really thoughtful. She was very funny. But she wasn’t an angel or a model of perfection… She was a person. She was a teenager.”

    My Family