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    Why Independent Film Is Powerful

    Independent film is a great resource for aspiring actors and filmmakers.

    Why Independent Film Is Powerful

    If someone gave me the “dream job” on ten different popular movies filming in the next year, I’d turn them down. Yes it sounds crazy, but what I do now is more powerful.

    I work in independent film. So why do I think what I do is more powerful?

    Because it gives me more opportunities to help the creatives around me grow in their talents and skill.

    Our most recent film, is rife with examples of why independent film is powerful. Not only was it a great experience for me as a first-time feature film producer, but it allowed me to give real opportunities to other aspiring filmmakers and actors.

    I’ve never heard of a film company who cared more about building up the next generation of filmmakers and actors over making lots of money - but this is the heart of indie film.

    Real Opportunities

    During production of Out of the Woods, we ran an internship. We gave them real responsibility by placing them within the film crew instead of just being interns.

    It was a live/learn experience.

    One of our interns held the sole title of Unit Production Manager. Others held titles as 3rd Assistant Director, Gaffer, Concept Artist, 1st Assistant Camera Operator and more.

    This isn’t normal for a film internship.

    But as a company, we believe giving them a real job is a better learning situation than just being the coffee-getter or copy-printer person.

    We walked alongside them. They were part of the crew. Yes, we gave pointers and guided them in one direction or the other, but as our company is called The Initiative, we also encouraged them to take initiative and ownership of their role on set.

    More companies should be pursuing this - to be a real stepping-stone for aspiring young creatives.

    Living Full Lives

    It may sound crazy to work for free, but honestly, I wish more of the world operated like this. People would be doing things because of their passion, not because they were stuck in a dead in job. This is the power of independent film. It reveals who's passionate about what they do and it helps me hold onto that passion.

    It creates an environment of like-minded individuals who put their all into a project because it’s a story worth telling. It also gives everyone the opportunity to grow in their own skills and talents.

    I love working in independent film. I love working with a group of people who continue to support those who come through our doors, by helping them find other jobs within the local industry and more. My job may not be financially beneficial for me, but the benefits I do receive through new friendships, adventures and how much I learn about the world around me far outweigh anything else.

    I can say truthfully, I am living the dream. We’ve created an innovative, tenacious community of film professionals, and I love every second of it. My challenge to you, is do what makes you come alive. Work with people who support and encourage one another. Create an environment of love and understanding. This is what working in independent film has taught me, and it's powerful!

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