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The Definitive Ranking Of "Hollyoaks'" Best Deaths

Basically, never attend a Hollyoaks wedding if you value your life.

11. Lynsey Nolan: death by asphyxiation.

10. Sarah Barnes: death by faulty parachute.

9. Texas Longford: death by being pushed out of a window.

8. Andy Holt: death by impalement.

7. Heidi Costello: death by serial killer father.

6. Dylan Jenkins: death by the Gloved Hand Killer.

5. Louise Summers: death by murderous husband.

4. Maddie Morrison: death by flying minibus debris.

3. Calvin Valentine: death by scorned, pregnant lover.

2. Max Cunningham: death by being run over.

1. Carmel McQueen: death by train crash explosion.

Hollyoaks has seen a lot of murders, explosions, crashes, and whodunnit's in the past 20 years – what mayhem will unfold next?

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