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    What It's Like To Shop At LUSH

    Enter the wonderful, smelly world of LUSH Cosmetics and never come back. Or maybe you will.

    The overwhelming scents lure you in.

    Uh oh. One of the salespeople has spotted you.

    Before you can even answer "What are you looking for?" you're mesmerized by the beautiful colors...

    Before you know it, you're getting a hand massage you never even asked for.

    At first you're like...

    ...but then you kinda develop this odd affection for him/her.

    No matter what product you're even the slightest bit interested in, it's their fave product.

    You find out that LUSH products magically cure anything. Stressed out? Suffer from eczema? Have a crazy ex?

    (Speaking of bath bombs...The Sex Bomb always "drops" into the conversation. ALWAYS.)

    Of course, they try to convince you that the best option is always the most expensive option, because the bigger sizes "optimize your use" or something.

    Stay strong! Do they think you've got MONEY TO BURN??

    Then again, you realize that their products are organic and the company stands for important causes. How can you say no to that?

    So you convince yourself that you could adopt a new, "healthy" skincare regimen.

    And to accomplish this, you need a sensible amount of merch. Well, your definition of sensible.

    And now for the exciting part: PACKAGING.

    It's also the one whole minute of relief you get from the relentless salesperson.

    ...the same packaging which, looking back, probably distracted you from comprehending your total.

    Finally, it's time to leave the counter looking like a total LUSH BOSS.

    But then you remember...

    ...and you feel that fragrance-induced headache coming on.

    You resolve to never step foot in a LUSH again, because all you gotta say to that store is:

    You were brainwashed by their people!

    Until someone casually remarks you how nice you smell...