The 14 LinkedIn Hacks That Could Get You A Job


    First, make sure you know the anatomy of your LinkedIn profile.

    1. Add a professional-looking picture to your profile.

    2. Create a great, clickable headline.

    3. Actually, make your entire profile SEO friendly.

    4. You can search anonymously but still see who views your profile — only in the LinkedIn app.

    5. Use the "Classmate" option so you don't have to use an email address to connect.

    6. Join a group to send messages to second or third degree connections.

    7. Use a screenshot to actually see who viewed your profile.

    8. You can make beautiful, printable resumes with LinkedIn.

    9. Keep your profile changes out of the network dashboard.

    10. Get the LinkedIn 1st Degree Search plug-in for Google Chrome.

    11. Endorse and be endorsed.

    12. Easily reorder your sections based on personal preference.

    13. Get the Cardmunch app.

    14. Save your searches.