We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    38 TikTok Parenting Products You'll Want To See Even If You Don't Have The App

    We did all the late night scrolling, so you don't have to. You're welcome.

    1. A whale bath toy that lights up automatically and starts spouting water the minute it hits the water. Who wouldn't want to play with this ~whaley~ cute buddy during bath time? 

    reviewer's photo of the whale toy lit up and squirting water in the bath
    reviewer's gif of the whale bath toy in action

    See why this parent says this toy is a hit with their 7-month-old on TikTok.

    Promising review: "TikTok made me do it. My daughter loves this! It stops spraying water as soon as it is no longer in the water. It's very calming. I've even stolen it for my own baths." —Lauren Trifone

    Promising review: "Worth every penny! My little one loves bath time, and this makes it even more fun! The water spout is awesome and gets taller the longer it sits in the water. The lights are an extra bonus! If you're thinking about buying — do it! Your little one will love this." —Ahliilai

    Get it from Amazon for $12.98+ (available in four colors/styles).

    2. An ingenious cup catcher you can attach to a high chair, car seat, or stroller to thwart your toddler's Thor-like attempts to toss their sippy cup on the floor.

    a reviewer photo of the cup catcher holding onto a cup about to fall
    the cup catcher on a cup

    Watch this mom explain why "you need this" cup catcher on TikTok

    Promising review: "These are fantastic for keeping my child from dropping her sippy cup over and over during meals. I'd recommend to any parent who just wants one thing to be easier. But isn't that all of us?" —Leigh Powers

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in six colors and in two-packs). 

    3. A pack of Crayola Globbles so your mini whirlwinds can run around the house hurling these sticky globs at the wall or ceiling. Don't panic, parents, reviewers say they don't leave a sticky residue.

    Reviewer holding six squishy balls in different rainbow colors in their hand
    reviewer throwing them all the wall where they stick

    Watch this mom explain why Globbles are her "new favorite thing ever" on TikTok.

    Promising review: "My 15-year-old asked for these after seeing them on TikTok. I got them as a stocking stuffer thinking they’d be tossed aside. Unbelievably he and his 17-year-old brother have spent time laying in the floor, tossing them up to the ceiling, and waiting for them to fall so they can catch them. I never expected them to get this much use. Bonus is they’re off their phones and in the family room with us." —Amazon Customer

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $9.50+ (also available in a set of 16).

    4. A food and juice box holder if you, like me, hand your little one a pouch or juice box — and brace yourself for what's coming next: They squeeze it so hard the contents go everywhere 😬. This ingenious holder ensures they can feed themselves without making a huge mess.

    a reviewer photo of them holding the holder with a food pouch inside
    a reviewer photo of a child using the pouch holder

    Watch this mama's review of the flipping holder in this TikTok. 

    Promising review: "BEST THINGS EVER!! My little one is 10 months old and a little miss independent. She HATES when I have to help feed her. She LOVES the applesauce pouches, but always squeezes them and makes the biggest mess ever! I thought these would be worth a shot. I was right!! Works awesome for her with juice boxes, too! AND she's happy because mommy doesn't have to help!! I would definitely buy them again, and I told EVERYONE with littles how much they need to buy these!" —Kaila

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $17.99 (available in four colors and three individually). 

    5. And, a pack of silicone pouch lids that'll prevent them from squeezing pouches all over themselves, and on your rugs and couches. This clever lid boasts a flow-control valve that prevents spills, but still lets them suck on it.

    gif of someone squeezing the food pouch and nothing coming out
    reviewer's photo of a cap on a food pouch

    Check out why a mom calls this pouch topper the "coolest thing" in this TikTok

    ChooMee is a small biz based in Northern California, owned by a mom, that specializes in innovative products that solve everyday feeding challenges.

    Promising review: "I am OBSESSED. I saw these on a TikTok and ran to Amazon...so glad I did! My toddler loves yogurt/applesauce pouches but started purposely dumping and squeezing the contents out. But these make it absolutely impossible for her to do that without making it difficult to eat! I tested them, and it’s SO easy to drink out of, but I was unable to squeeze anything out. 10/10 recommend. I’m definitely buying more" —Amanda

    Promising review: "These are amazing! I bought two sets of them so I can keep some in our diaper bag (or in case we lose one). We use these every single day for our 12-month-old with her yogurt (Gogo squeeze) and her fruit and veggie pouches! Seriously, love them. We previously had yogurt/fruit all over because she would squeeze them. My husband accidentally stepped on the pouch with this on, and it still didn't squeeze out! Once your baby figures it out (ours did quickly), it's a game changer. I tried the pouch holders with the handles, but she just swung it around, and it still spilled out. This is what you want!" —Shem Slater

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in five color combos). 

    6. A silicone finger puppet toothbrush to start teaching baby good brushing habits while the soft bristles gently massage sore teething gums. Win-win!

    a child chewing on the silicone brush
    @thebrushiesofficial / Via www.instagram.com

    Watch these cute toothbrushes brushing a little one's gums in this TikTok

    Promising review: "I don't usually write reviews, but this has been a game changer for us! I have a 13-month-old who hates having her teeth brushed (we tried EVERYTHING before getting this). We've only had it for two days, and there have been no tears since getting it! I let her brush with her regular toothbrush and then follow up with this. She loves it!" —Tyler Parsons

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95 (available in four colors). 

    7. A cereal and snack dispenser that'll allow the kiddos to serve themselves. Who wouldn't want the convenience of a hotel breakfast buffet in their own home?

    Watch this parent use the dispenser in this review video on TikTok

    Promising review: "We have three kids and a very small kitchen with very little cabinet/counter space. We used to keep our cereal boxes on top of our refrigerator, but I've been trying to de-clutter, and also come up with a solution for our kids to be able to get their own cereal in the mornings. THIS IS IT!!!! It looks great on our counter and we have very little space, so it fits just right! This has been the perfect solution to giving our kids the independence they need to get their own breakfast! It has been a lifesaver!!! Love it!!!" —tenle

    Get it from Amazon for $16.61+ (available in nine options including single, double, and triple styles). 

    8. A sleep-training alarm clock complete with a sound machine that uses colors to teach the kiddos when it's time for bed and time to wake up. (Does it make a grumpy face if they hop out of bed at 5 a.m.? Asking for a friend.)

    a reviewer photo of the clock and the digital face is happy with the eyes open like good morning
    a reviewer photo of the clock and the digital face has their eyes closed like bed time

    Watch this parent share why this sleep trainer is one of their "best parenting hacks" in this TikTok

    Promising review: "My 2-year-old started getting up at 6:30 instead of 7:30 and was ready for the day. I saw this on TikTok, so I ordered it and explained to him how if Mella is red, we have to sleep, and when Mella turns green, it’s time to play. The first night, he sat up a couple times in the night and looked at it and laid back down. We’ve been using it for almost a week, and he stays in bed until it’s green without any crying or complaining, so it fixed my problem so fast! You do have to toggle the night light on to red if you want it in all night. You could choose other colors, too, but red and green worked well since he has a car seat with red and green stop lights, so easy connection. Anyways, I highly recommend it! He loves to check on Mella during the day and see if it’s asleep." —Mpt2

    Get it from Amazon for $49.99 (available in four colors).

    9. A nifty car seat buckle release tool so you no longer have to struggle (or sacrifice your nails!) to unlatch your kiddo. This handy little gadget will make school dropoffs a breeze!

    The red tool
    A parent unbuckling their child in the car seat using the tool

    Watch this mom explain why this tool has been a game-changer in this TikTok.

    Promising review: "I got this because I have three kids, and since I have captain chairs, my 4-year-old sits in the third row. I can toss it back to him after I’ve parked or when I’m in the carpool line and he can unbuckle himself and then unbuckle his siblings and I don’t have to climb in the car. It’s GREAT! I also like how it doesn’t attach to the car seat like some similar products, and I can keep it up front while the car is moving. So much safer!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99+ (available in five colors). 

    10. foldable indoor slide because it'll come in handy when it's raining outside. It LITERALLY pops up in minutes to instantly transform any room into a playground filled with gleeful shouts of "Wheeeee!". Plus, it folds down flat for easy storage once playtime's over.

    a review photo of the slide in a green yellow and blue color with animals and plants
    a review photo of the back of the slide that shows steps and the pattern is rainbow with clouds

    Watch this munchkin having tons of fun on the slide in this TikTok

    Promising review: "I got this for my 2-year-old daughter's birthday and she LOVES it. She is a little nervous on the playground and she took to this right away. It folds down easily and sets up easily — the design is brilliant. It was actually so easy that I watched the 30 second set up video just to be sure I got it right lol. My 8-year-old son got on it too and it held up. We live in an apartment so this is something that she can climb on safely without taking up a ton of space. Love this product!!" —jenna

    Get it from Amazon for $21.99+ (available in three styles).

    11. A JellyCap aka a drink cap that'll fit on most regular bottles to make it easy (and less messy) for your child to drink out of — with or without a straw.  Especially great on the go when you don't want to deal with the hassle of sippy cups. It also works on yogurt bottles!

    reviewer showing the cap on a water bottle with a straw coming out of it
    a review photo with the cap on a yogurt bottle

    Find out why this parent calls this is one of their  "coolest" Amazon finds in this TikTok

    Promising review: "Hands down one of my best Amazon purchases for my girl! I love finding hidden gems like this to make parenting a little easier lol. We go camping a lot and these are life savers and save me so much time washing and re-washing sippy cups! Plus my daughter can now be trusted with her beloved Danimal yogurt! A win for mom and a win for my very satisfied and not yogurt covered 1.5-year-old! Great idea!!" —Ab223

    Promising review: "Wonderful for my autistic 4-year-old! I absolutely LOVE these Jelly Caps! I found them on TikTok and knew it would be perfect for my son! He’s 4 and I’m always forgetting to bring his cup. He’s autistic and struggles when drinking from a bottle. These fit great on his happy meal milk from McDonald’s as well as every bottled water I’ve tried! Only down side is it takes a smaller straw than you get at the store. But to fix then I always put the straw in from the 'bottom' before placing it on the bottle! 10/10 recommend! Just buy them!" —Nikki

    Get a three pack from Amazon for $14.99 (available in two color options). 

    12. A self-feeding baby bottle you'll be so grateful for when your baby gets hungry on a long car ride. This anti-colic bottle comes with a convenient feeding tube to give you a hands-free option in a pinch. (We've all been there. No judgement here.)

    See why this parent is "obsessed" with this bottle on TikTok

    Promising review: "I love these bottles so much! My baby loves to move around and kick and doesn’t like to really be held while eating. This is the best thing ever!!! Also when on car rides, it's super useful. Of course, always watch your babies. I think this is best for older babies maybe over 3 months. :) But other than that, I love this product!!" —Andrea Land

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (available in three colors). 

    13. A slide-away storage bag to say buh-bye to the painful task of cleaning up a gazillion legos pieces after playtime's over. Just spread out the mat so they can build, then pull the drawstring handles when finished, and dump the toys inside the bin.

    the bag lying on its side with the mat open and toys on it
    the mat rolled back into the storage bag

    Watch this parent's demo on TikTok.

    Promising review: "I really like this for my kid's Duplo Lego bricks, but I think it could be used for a lot more than that. I want to get one for my kids' train track. The fabric part is really large and would fit the track on it. I found the cleanup is extremely easy; all you do is lift up the fabric, and it all goes in the bin. An added bonus, my 2-year-old can dump over the bin, and it stays on the fabric part. I also would like to add that I like the fabric on the outside of the bin; it looks durable and good quality." —KFundy

    Get it from Amazon for $54.99+ (available in four colors).

    14. And a 2-in-1 table boasting a reversible table top with one surface for building elaborate Lego creations *and* a smooth surface (just flip it over!) for artwork or homework. The best part? It has built-in drawers so those bricks don't end up on the floor — causing your feet excruciating pain.

    product shot of the desk side
    a reviewer photo of the Lego side of the table

    See this table in action on TikTok

    Promising review: "My boys love it, they play together and build all sorts of things. It works with Lego products, meaning DUPLO Legos do fit without a problem. Table is sturdy and very well-made. The drawers make it convenient to store Legos or other items so the kids can play in a small area and not have to run around trying to find their Legos. That being said, it saves your feet. Get it for any Lego youngsters out there; they'll love it." —TrippyLippy

    Get it from Amazon for $103.23+ (available in three colors).

    15. A diaper cream spatula applicator so your fingernails are never victimized again by that greasy, sticky paste.

    Blue silicone applicator with a person's presses finger pressing on the tip to show that it is soft and flexible
    Reviewer's holding the pink applicator over a jar of cream

    Find out why this parent is in "LOVE" with this spatula on TikTok

    Promising review: "Yes, it’s weird. I laughed (to myself) when I got one as a baby gift. Then my baby got her first rash and after wrestling a diaper closed with fingers covered in diaper cream I remembered this and oh boy what a lifesaver. It applies cream evenly and wipes clean. I now have two and will probably buy a third for the diaper bag. It’s also nice for people who have sensory issues or are new to diaper-changing. Yes it’s weird, but it’s also crazy useful." —jp

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    16. A Nose Frida Snot Sucker, aka a gross but effective tool to clear out your baby's stuffy nose. Just place the large tube against your little one's nostril (not inside), and then use the red mouthpiece to snuck out snot, all the while wondering: "Is this really my life now?"

    The snot sucking kit

    Watch this parent clear up their baby's stuffy nose with this tool on TikTok.

    Promising review: "Best snot sucker EVER!  LOVE, LOVE, LOVE our Nose Frida. Yeah, yeah, it's gross sucking your kid's snot, but you know what's worse? A sick, miserable baby. Our pediatrician even recommended the Frida over those little blue bulbs. I can suck more junk out, and it's so much easier to clean and sanitize. There is NO WAY any boogies can get back into your mouth when you use this product. The gross factor Iies just all in your head. If you have a kid — order this! If you know someone with a kid — order this!" —Chelsea S.

    Get it from Amazon for $15.42.

    17. A microwave s'mores maker so you can make s'mores in seconds without the hassle of a bonfire. Perfect for starting a weekly tradition that'll leave the kiddos asking for ~s’more.~

    Watch how you can make s'mores in seconds with this device on TikTok.

    It's super simple to use! Just fill the water reservoir, put your s'mores ingredients on the tray (up to two of them), and pop in the microwave for 30 seconds. The marshmallow and chocolate will heat at the same time — leaving you with one delicious treat. 

    Promising review: "This is a very cute gadget. I saw this on a TikTok and fell for it lol. I'm glad I did. My kids and I have so much fun making instant s'mores. They're done in about 30–40 seconds with literally no cleanup. The marshmallow doesn't melt over so you basically can just run hot water over it to remove a few crumbs from crackers and be done." —Shawna G.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99.

    18. Boon cacti bottle cleaning brush set that deserves all the hype on TikTok because it'll look so unbearably cute in your kitchen that you'll find yourself singing "I'm a succa for you" à la the Jonas Brothers — while the handy brushes help you wash a gazillion baby bottles all day long. 

    reviewer image of the cacti brush set in the white container
    reviewer image of the brush set out of the container, showing the different types of brushes

    Check out this dad's review of the bottle brush set on TikTok.

    Promising review: "I love this product. I got it because of all the hype on TikTok, but I gotta say I actually find it a really nice way to display my bottle and accessories cleaner. It matches perfect with my boom grass. Makes my kitchen feel warm" —DIPC

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99+ (available in two styles, as well as four replacement brushes). 

    19. A bag sealer to finally solve the problem of how to prevent all those half-finished bags of chips and other snacks from going stale. This little gadget will seal everything right back up and keep it tasting fresher for wayyy longer.

    reviewer holding the small grey bag resealer with hook on the top
    gif of a reviewer using the small grey device to reseal a bag of almonds and then turning it upside down to show it works

    Check out how this bag sealer works on TikTok.

    Promising review: "I love this little gadget. Believe it or not, I saw this on TikTok as an 'Amazon product you didn’t know you needed.' Since my older sons are on their own at college, they eat a lot of pre-packaged items. So, we got one for each boy as a stocking stuffer. They were actually excited to try them out, so the boys went in our pantry, opened new bags of chips and crackers just to re-seal them. Lol! It works pretty good for such a small device. The cutter even works so the bags that are mostly empty aren’t as big and don’t take up as much room. My husband wants one for our house now. Guess we’re getting another one." —Can7

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $15.99+ (available in three colors). 

    20. The Pink Stuff, a magical all-purpose cleaning paste so you don't need to go into full panic mode when lipstick (or Sharpie) marks mysteriously appear on your walls. (Good luck keeping the little Picassos out of your makeup bag, though!)

    Reviewer removing lipstick from the walls using the pink paste
    The Pink Stuff

    See if the the Pink Stuff ~actually~ works to erase kids' artwork in this TikTok.

    Promising review: "This stuff is magic! Found this product on TikTok. I don’t think I’ve ever seen value like I do in this product! Literally use it on EVERYTHING!! Kids and teens have dirt, grime, and grease on their walls? This will make it look like a new paint job. Baseboards need some love? A pea size amount of this makes them look brand new. Need a shoe cleaner? PERFECT for sneakers. I could name a million more uses, but I can ASSURE you this is worth every penny. What’s more? You need such LITTLE of this product; it will last a VERY long time. Thank you, TikTok!!!" —Rachel in CLT

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    21. Whiskware pancake batter mixer with a BlenderBall wire whisk to let you whip up a batch of pancakes at lightning speed on hectic mornings — no separate mixing bowl, messy spoons, or batter-coated countertops. Simply add your ingredients, shake, and pour from the spout. Breakfast's ready 😋!

    Model pouring pancakes out with handheld bottle-shaped dispenser
    Reviewer pic of small round pancakes on a griddle

    Watch this mom's demo of the pancake dispenser on TikTok.

    You can even store leftover batter in the bottle and pop it in the fridge for a time-saving weekday breakfast!

    Promising review: "My 8-year-old is a huge fan of making pancakes. He saw this on TikTok and just had to have it. We absolutely love this product!! Easy to clean and use. I love that it’s an all-in-one. No more messy bowls, and he can squeeze out the perfect amount for his pancakes." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $14.84+ (available in two colors; also available as a pancake art kit). 

    22. An ingenious dinner plate divided into eight portions with a hidden dessert compartment that'll turn mealtime into a fun game that'll entice fussy eaters to gobble their way to the surprise treat at the end!

    Check out a parent's review of this game-changing plate on TikTok.

    Promising review: "I bought this for my son because I thought it was cute and cool. I posted about it on TikTok, and the post went viral, almost a million views. I highly recommended it. My son requests this plate for every meal and looks forward to the treat at the end." —Chaunte Thorpe

    Get it from Amazon for $15.81+ (available in six styles). 

    23. A travel urinal that many reviewers were skeptical of initially but then became huge fans of when their child had a pee emergency during a long car ride — and there was no toilet in sight. 

    a travel urinal for kids with vaginas
    a travel urinal for kids with penises

    Watch this mom's review on TikTok

    Promising review: "I love this travel urinal. My son often has to pee when we are out running errands, and it’s not always easy to get to a restroom. I have two young boys; it’s hard to get them in and out of the car to use the restroom. This also helps because in the age of COVID-19 I’m not very comfortable having my kids use public restrooms. If I can avoid it I will, and this makes it possible. Often I’ve used sippy cups, water bottles, or whatever I could find for my son to pee in. This makes it so much easier. It’s also cute so my son actually wants to use it and it doesn’t spill. It could be tipped upside down and it won’t come out. This is a great product. I would buy it again." —Emily

    Get it from Amazon for $9.98+ (available in eight colors).

    24. A grape cutter because is there anything more ridiculously time consuming than quartering grapes every day for your little one? This cool device will do it at lightning speed and help reduce the risk of choking at mealtimes.

    reviewer's gif showing the grape cutter in action
    reviewer's photo of the grape cutter

    Watch a mom quartering grapes in a flash with this tool on TikTok.

    Promising review: "Yes. TikTok made me buy it. It’s awesome In my opinion. I use it for my fruit salads and my son's snacks. It’s helpful, and I think it saves a bit of time." —Amanda

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99.

    25. LeapFrog 100 Words Book that'll interact with budding scholars and help build their vocabulary in English and Spanish.

    reviewer's photo of the 100 Words Book for kids
    reviewer's gif demonstrating how the book works

    Find out why this parent calls it "one of our favorite toys for our son" on TikTok.

    Promising review: "This was a recommended product I saw off Facebook and again on TikTok — so I had to see if the hype was worth it. IT IS WORTH IT! My toddler (almost 2) loves the book for the sounds and names of all the categories in the book. This is a great book to gift others with toddlers or to help your little one develop. I love this!" —Megan C.

    Get it from Amazon for $16.49.

    26. An elephant bath sprayer aka a battery-powered shower that releases a gentle stream of water — making washing little baby and toddler heads so much easier.

    reviewer's photo of the bath sprayer
    a parent using the bath sprayer

    Watch this sprayer make bath time even more fun on TikTok

    Promising review: "If you have babies or toddlers this is a must buy! I saw this on TikTok and decided to try it out. I love this and my kids love this. My kids were so scared for me to rinse their hair and now that we have this they even want to do it themselves! I also just had a baby and she loves it as well! We have had it for a couple of months now and the batteries are still going strong....which if you have kids you know some stuff it feels like you can never get the batteries to last because they are always playing with them. I highly recommend this to every parent!!!" —Amber

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in six colors). 

    27. An Oogiebear nose and ear cleaner designed with a teeny-tiny rubber scoop and loop to clean out little noses and ears ~oh-so-gently~ without going too far.

    reviewer's photo showing the booger cleaning tool in a packaging
    A closeup of the bear booger cleaner tool
    www.amazon.com, Chandni Reddy / Buzzfeed

    Watch a parent clean their baby's ear with this tool on TikTok.

    Promising review: "Must have! This thing is amazing; it works very well for us. Good length, and it's soft/firm. I was able to gently scoop my 4-month-old's ear wax and pick out her sticky, crusty boogers. She enjoys being clean, so she sat/laid down very still for us. I would definitely buy this for a baby shower gift and definitely recommend to anyone." —P. T.

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95.

    28. A splurge-worthy hand vacuum for any parent who is fully aware of how painful it is to bust out the bulky vacuum just to clean a handful of crushed Goldfish from the couch. This small yet might device will suck up crumbs in seconds.

    Watch a demo on TikTok.

    Promising review: "Another 'TikTok made me buy' purchase. I absolutely love this thing. It helps with cleaning my daughter’s desk since she’s homeschooling and easy to use to clean inside of drawers." —Manisha Roopnarine

    Get it from Amazon for $69.99 (available in four colors). 

    29. CeraVe baby moisturizing cream parents call their "holy grail" because it works wonders to keep their kid's eczema flare-ups at bay and soothe dry, chapped winter skin. It's formulated to provide intense moisturizing protection for babies with a gentle fragrance- and paraben-free formula.

    the moisturizing cream
    reviewer's before photo showing their child's eczema and after photo showing  eczema healed after seven days of applying the cream

    Watch a parent's before and after video using the CeraVe moisturizing cream on TikTok. And, get the baby version of the cream (below), which is formulated specifically for babies and infants. 

    Promising review: "We tried so many creams marketed for eczema (most containing oatmeal), and they all made my baby's eczema worse. We were desperate to find a cream that would help and stumbled upon this cream. It did wonders clearing up his eczema, and as long as we use it daily, it keeps it from flaring up again. This is glycerin-based and doesn't contain oatmeal." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $8.97+ (available in two sizes).

    30. A set of kid-safe plastic knives for parents who want to enlist their mini sous chef's help with dinner prep. While these do a pretty decent job of chopping, they're not sharp enough to slice a finger.

    Three knives in different sizes purple, pink, and teal colors
    Reviewer's child slicing a squash with the knife

    Watch a kiddo chop up green peppers like a pro using this knife on TikTok.

    PSA: children should still be supervised while using these knives!

    Promising reviews: "My daughter loves these. I saw these on TikTok then ordered them for my little kitchen helper. We cut up all types of veggies with no problem." —Maia

    "I’ve only had these for a couple of days, but already my 4-year-old daughter keeps asking me for things to chop up. They’re perfect for the little chef in your life or the kid who want to be a big helper. So far she’s easily (and safely) chopped up: lettuce, apples, bananas, strawberries, potatoes, even carrots! I can run my hand along the blade and not cut myself and yet it’s designed in a way that you can still chop through veggies and fruits. Another pro is they are super easy to clean and dishwasher safe. They came exactly as pictures for me: in three different sizes and colors, with a slight grip texture on the handle for little hands. They’re nice and lightweight as well so it’s not cumbersome for younger kids. Love them!" —Abby Roeller

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $9.95 (available in two color combinations).

    31. toothbrush holder and dispenser you'll regret not having bought sooner because it'll not only free up precious counter space but also keep your bathroom free of child-induced toothpaste messes.

    the white wall mounted toothbrush holder
    Reviewer's photo showing the toothpaste dispensed on the toothbrush

    Watch this toothbrush holder in action on TikTok.

    This includes a toothpaste dispenser (that'll squeeze out every last ounce!), four cups and holders, and a place to store your toothbrushes.

    Promising review: "I love this item! I saw it originally on TikTok and thought it would be perfect for our bathroom! We have one bathroom upstairs and five people who use it. This cleared up so much counter space for us! There are ventilation holes where the cups go to help make sure they dry properly. The toothpaste dispenser has really been working to get every last drop out of the tube. I would definitely recommend for a family or kids' bathroom. There is also a little storage compartment behind the toothpaste that is great for extra brushes, Q-tips, or flossers." —Sariyah J

    Get it from Amazon for $16.77+ (available in three colors).

    32. baby nail trimmer that are ~a cut above~ regular clippers. These come with sanding discs that gently file down nails — if you're like me, and burst into tears the first time you nicked those precious little fingertips 😭.

    reviewer's photo of the baby nail clippers set with attachments
    A gif showing how the baby nail trimmer works
    www.amazon.com, Chandni Reddy / Buzzfeed

    Watch this mama trim her one-month-old's nails on TikTok.

    Promising review: "My toddler hates her nails being cut with clippers. I saw a mom on TikTok talking about this. Not only do I love this, but my toddler always wants me to use this on her nails." —M

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99.

    33. An ingenious sandwich cutter and sealer so you can make your own Smuckers Uncrustables copycats at home without spending nearly $10 for a box. Prepare for your life to be *utterly butterly* changed.

    A customer review photo showing homemade uncrustables
    A customer review photo of their DIY Uncrustables

    Check out the demo on TikTok.

    Promising review: "I had to try this because I saw it on TikTok, and I spend way too much on Uncrustables for my picky kids! And my kids (ages 3 and 6) love the different shapes they can choose from." —Rachel

    Get it from Amazon for $15.96

    34. A Tushbaby hip carrier that'll prevent back strain and do all the heavy lifting while you go shopping with a baby or toddler who clings to you like a koala. The best part? It has a ton of storage pockets for your snacks, phone, wallet, and more!

    reviewer showing how the carrier wraps around their waist and make it easy to hold a baby
    reviewer showing close up of the carrier and how it has a front pocket

    It's recommended for children between 8 and 45 pounds and can be used in four different holding positions — feeding/breastfeeding, side carrying, front facing, and face-to-face. 

    Tushbaby is a small biz run by three California mamas and specializes in products that bringing a little more ease to everyday parenting life.

    See why this mama calls the Tushbaby "the best invention for parents of young children on TikTok

    Promising review: "This has been one of MANY items I have purchased thanks to TikTok, and I'm glad I did. Super easy to use, easy to adjust, and most importantly it helps with support tremendously. It comes with pockets and a place to hold bottles/sippy cups, which can be very handy. My 8-month-old weights around 30–35lbs, and he's basically attached to me 24/7, carrying all day was killing my back and arms! Thank God for this invention, my arms and back can rest." —Jennifer Calle

    Get it from Amazon for $84.99+ (available in three colors). 

    35. car video monitor because it's a cut above the regular ol' baby mirror. It provides a crystal-clear view of your bub from the dashboard. A game changer for any parent who has been pulling over to check on a crying baby at every stoplight.

    Watch this parent's review on TikTok.

    PSA: please keep your eyes on the road when the car is in motion.

    Promising review: "I saw this product on TikTok and knew I wanted to try it. I LOOOOOVE this product! I hate trying to use my rear view mirror to look into her mirror to make sure she’s okay. The quality of the video is great for the price, and I can easily see if my infant has spit up or I can see her mouth to shove a paci in if needed. I can see details like if her eyes are open or closed. The night vision isn’t too bad but not as detailed but you can see enough. But overall for the price, I would buy this product again hands-down." —Michael Giblin

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99

    36. An oh-so-cute Smily Mia Penguin pacifier designed to mimic a boob that'll stay put on a baby's hand — so parents don't have to retrieve dropped pacis from the floor a gazillion times a day! 

    The purple penguin pacifier
    A baby sucking on the blue pacifier on their hand

    Check out this happy baby with the penguin paci on TikTok.

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok and bought it quickly. It's easy for my baby to hold to clean and works for teething! Definitely recommend." —Brooklyn

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in 10 styles).

    37. Yonanas fruit soft serve maker because it'll magically turn any frozen fruit into such a flavorful creamy "gelato" or "sorbet" like treat that your kids won't suspect that it's not actually ice cream. Say hello to fruit-based versions of store-bought ice cream — and buh-bye to the inevitable sugar high.

    The black device on a table with sorbet in a bowl under it
    A close up of a reviewer's yellow and red sorbet

    Watch it in action on TikTok.

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this. I got this for my girls after they showed it to me on TikTok. I thought it was a great way of making a sweet treat. I didn’t realize how much I would love it. You don’t even need to use a lot of fruit to get a decent size bowl. I buy frozen fruit, freeze bananas, and add some coconut flakes, and it is so delicious. This machine works perfectly. You aren’t suppose to put completely hard frozen fruit in it. You are suppose to let the frozen fruit thaw a tad." —Debbie

    Get it from Amazon for $40.84+ (available in six colors).  

    38. A Bissell multi-purpose portable cleaner that parents (and pet owners) swear by — this small but powerful machine is shockingly effective at pulling out all the dirt and gunk uses warm water and a special formula. Especially useful for obliterating all kinds of pesky stains from milkshake and ketchup to grass and mud!

    Watch a parent clean a stained couch with the Bissell on TikTok.

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok, and our toddler has turned our apartment in such a dirty place. Stains everywhere! Our sofa was in such bad condition (which we only got it two years ago) that we were thinking of getting a new one. We decided to try this, and it is a miracle worker. I’m so glad we bought this. It’s worth every penny!" —shahzad mahmood

    Get it from Amazon for $123.59

    The reviews for this post have been edited for length and clarity.