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    Ashly, Sara, Ella, & Quinta Play Fuck, Marry, Kill

    L is for the way you look at me...

    Playing Fuck, Marry, Kill with your friends sounds like a great idea! I mean, it's not like anyone could get offended, right? We decided it would be awesome to let Ashly loose on Ella, Sara and Quinta (each one's voice effectively ~disguised~) and decide who was a true ride-or-die 4 lyfe:

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    Ashly had *absolutely NO idea* what her desired outcome would be:

    To get things started, she asked the ladies what Beyoncé's best song is, which got us some preeety unique answers:

    Then, when asked "if we were two scoops of ice cream, what flavors would we be?" Quinta decided to get REAL with it and lay down the truth:

    But Ella blew everyone away (and grossed us all out!) when she admitted that her fave bug is a MOSQUITO.

    Then, it was time for the ladies to sing Ashly a special song. And this was when Sara really solidified her lead, proving that Frank Sinatra's spirit lives on inside of her:

    All of a sudden, it was decision time!!! First up, let's see who she decided to fuck:

    Then, who she decided to kill. :(

    And last (but obviously not least since they are joined in holy matrimony) who she decided to marry!