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    16 New Year's Resolutions You Should Make Before 2017

    2017 is quickly approaching, but if you're trying to become a better you, there's really no reason to wait for January 1st. Millennials get a bad rep for being pretty lazy, so starting now is our best bet to create habits that last into next year. Let's all make a conscious effort to talk about resolutions less and DO more to make the new year as healthy and positive as possible. If you want some ideas, here are 16 changes to make habit throughout your day before Santa comes through.

    1. Smile at yourself in the mirror in the morning.

    2. ...then make your bed.

    3. Walk places.

    4. Wear better shoes.

    5. Better yet, dress the part.

    6. Carry extras.

    7. Eat more green things.

    8. Work with purpose...

    9. ...and be a productive procrastinator.

    10. Breathe deeper.

    11. Call Mom and Dad.

    12. See your friends.

    13. Cook!

    14. Do the dishes.

    15. Stretch before bed.

    16. When you go to bed, sleep.

    17. Put in a little extra effort each day.