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    Travel Tips For People Who Suck At Travelling

    Your guide to your best vacation ever, even if your organizational skills are less than stellar

    First things first- my credentials (though there really should be air quotes around credentials...)

    I am not good at travelling, BUT, I am able to trick my Facebook friends, Instagram followers, and recent acquaintances into thinking I'm some worldly, organized, well-connected person way cooler than I really am. How? Because of a lot of trial and error. So, enjoy these personally tried-and-tested tips from a Certified Person Who Sucks at Travelling.

    Oh the places you'll go.... once you decide to where to go, of course

    Travel buddies... like roommates you somehow spend even more time with

    Who you're going with is also super important! Do you want to see all the sights but your friend just wants to be drunk all day off of foreign alcohol? Do you just want to have a nice, chill, laid back vacation but your friend has every minute planned from a breakfast on the go at 6:30am? Do you want to experience the culture and soak in the new city but your friend needs their Starbucks every morning and refuses to eat anything that's not a nugget made of chicken? Just *liking* a person doesn't necessarily make them a good travel buddy. While vacations are great and fun, they can also be extremely stressful, since everyone wants to have the best vacation and tensions may be high if you're on a budget (this is especially applicable to students).

    Time to start planning what to do

    Cabs, bikes, and subways, oh my

    Transportation is a huge issue! Make sure you know how you're going to get from the airport to where you're staying, if cabs or Ubers are a better option where you're going, and how to pay for public transportation. Sometimes transportation can be overlooked since you're so used to it at home, but it's an extremely important part of going somewhere new.

    Be prepared to live without data

    Know where you're going

    This one seems obvious, but sometimes there are tricky little details of various places. Ie: make sure you have your own tissues and hand sanitzer for the bathrooms in China, and be prepared to cover up (even in the dead of summer) if you're going to a church or mosque.

    Another important cultural difference! Tipping!! Don't get ripped off by giving unnecessary tips, but on the flip side don't perpetuate tourist stereotypes by being cheap and skimping when you shouldn't.

    Be prepared for things to change

    When planning your itinerary, make sure to leave some room for leeway. Maybe the cab you were planning to take was too expensive, so now you have to subway to that next place, or perhaps something you assumed would only take an hour is actually a three hour pre-planned event. It's hard to know exactly how a trip is going to go, so just make sure you do what you've been wanting to do forever or have been really looking forward to so you don't regret how you spent your time on vacation, and come to terms with the fact that you might not be able to do everything else.

    Don't get jaded by Instagram posts or rave reviews


    I know I've mentioned this multiple times throughout, but it's actually important enough to deserve it's own blurb. All of this advice? Might mean nothing to you. Honestly. It might not! And not because it's bad advice, mind you, but because it might not necessarily be applicable for you.For instance, I think staying in hostels to meet other travelers and get advice is fun, but if you hate talking to new people and know you need high quality and high class- go for the hotel! Your friend might rather be comfortable and suggest against bringing x pair of shoes or y skirt, but if you value pretty pictures and a nice aesthetic over your personal comfort, make an informed decision. Maybe you hear a lot of bad things about tour groups, but it's only because your friend likes adventuring on their own, if you want to do the tour group, definitely do it! It's your vacation, your money, your time, it should be your experience, too.