People Are Sharing Food They're Not Ashamed To Be Total Snobs About

    "From-concentrate is heresy."

    Whether you're a total gastronome or not, chances are you have serious opinions on certain culinary points.

    Redditor u/FuckYouGod wanted to know: "What foods are you unashamed to be snobby about?"

    They were quick to clarify — "Disclaimer: I hate food snobs. Everyone hates food snobs. With that said...I think people who prefer boneless wings are sub-human troglodytes. Do you have any snobby opinions like this?"

    Turns out, they do! Check out where people draw the line below.

    1. "No one else mentioned it, so I will: CHEESE. Life is too short to eat crappy cheese, people!"

    An array of large and small hard and soft cheeses on dark slabs on a table

    2. "If you don't warm your tortilla on a griddle/pan before you assemble a taco, we're going to have a problem."

    3. "After a summer of garden-fresh heirloom tomatoes, I've discovered that basic supermarket tomatoes are just straight up sad and terrible."

    A colorful array of heirloom tomatoes, large ones sliced down the center, cut side up, in the middle with cherry heirlooms along the sides, parsley garnish on far sides

    4. "Margarine. It is vile and nasty, and if you serve it to me I will think less of you."

    A butter knife with a smear of margarine on it sitting atop a rectangular tub of margarine

    5. "I grew up below the poverty line, so there really isn’t much that I had the privilege of becoming snobby about. 😅 That said, condiment brands matter."

    Twelve ramekins of various sauces arranged in rows with fresh herbs at the sides of the frame

    6. "Vegetables. I don’t like canned vegetables. I’ll sauté some green beans, but screw canned green beans."

    7. "I have not owned pre-ground black pepper in perhaps 23 years. I only buy whole black peppercorns and grind them fresh. I'm also quite particular about the quality of my peppercorns. I buy them online because they are far superior to the stuff in the average grocery store."

    A top view of peppercorns in a small, unlidded glass container with several peppercorns strewn to the side

    8. "Bagels. A proper bagel is wonderful. Everything else is a roll with a hole."

    9. "Coffee...I make my own espresso at home with fresh ground beans each morning. Working from home means I get to enjoy a mid-morning cup as well! As an addict, I’ll still drink the K-cups or cheap stuff when necessary, but I don’t enjoy it."

    10. "A donut that is baked in a donut-shaped pan is not a fucking donut; it's a donut-shaped cupcake! Donuts are fried!"

    11. "Full-fat dairy. Skim milk is just water lying about being milk."

    Milk being poured out of a narrow plastic jug into a glass; greenery in the background

    12. "Corn meal. I'm a Southern boy, and I had both cornbread and johnnycake made with a 5-pound bag of really good stone-ground small-mill cornmeal, and the angels sang. Can't go back."

    Cornbread in a cast iron pan with one slice taken out, knife by the pan

    13. "Maple syrup. I want real stuff that leaked out of a tree and not what leaked out of Mrs. Butterworth."

    A gloved hand pouring fresh maple syrup out of a tin can onto a stretch of snow

    14. "I'm super picky about bread for sandwiches. Life is too short to eat shitty white bread (except in a grilled cheese smothered with butter, not margarine like whores eat)."

    15. "Garlic. I hate 'pre-minced' garlic in a jar. If you don’t peel and chop your garlic fresh, you might as well just use garlic powder."

    Several bulbs of garlic bundled together on a wooden board

    16. "It's rice for me. I like all types of rice, but my favorite is a premium medium-grain rice. It's amazing on its own. I refuse to eat parboiled or minute rices."

    17. "Jam. Pie filling. The cheap mass-produced ones are a disgrace to fruit."

    Someone holding a small pot full of fruit cooked down, showcasing some in a wooden spoon

    18. "Fudge. If you melted some stuff together and threw it in a pan, I'm not going to call it fudge. If it didn't take a candy thermometer (or cold water test) to make, it's not fudge."

    A loaf of fudge on a platter with one slice cut off, chocolate with pistachios, knife on the side in the platter

    19. "Buttercream frosting. I find American buttercream to be gritty and too sweet. Swiss and Italian meringue buttercreams are silky smooth, however."

    20. Salad dressings, especially vinaigrettes. Homemade dressings just hit sooo fucking different, and they’re beyond easy to make!"

    A hand pouring a thick Caesar dressing out of a glass jar onto a fresh salad in a bowl on a wooden board

    21. "Orange juice. Growing up in Florida, fresh-squeezed OJ is delightful, bottled premium is pretty good, and from-concentrate is heresy."

    Is there a foodstuff that you just can't cut corners on? Let us know in the comments!

    Enjoy the delicious Reddit thread here.

    Note: Some answers have been edited for length/clarity.