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What's The Weirdest Thing You've Noticed On "Friends"?

The Magna Doodle is full of secrets.

When you've watched Friends a bajillion and one times, you start to notice weird or out-of-place things in the background of episodes...like when Matt LeBlanc was caught laughing on screen:

Or how Ross spelled Rachel's last name wrong on his wedding invitation:

Or the time the burglar who robbed Chandler and Joey left a note on the Magna Doodle that read, "Thanks for all your stuff!":

Or that extra who was seemingly chewing her coffee:

And the award for best "Friends" extra goes to woman who sips coffee then chews it.

And, of course, all of those times that stand-ins found their way on screen:

So we want to know what out-of-the-ordinary things you've noticed while watching Friends. It can be anything from continuity errors, to flubs, to just straight-up weird things you noticed in the background!

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