21 Times Stiles Stilinski Stole Your Beating Heart


    1. When he tried to be super casual and he wasn't but you didn't care at all:

    2. When he had too much confidence in his muscles and you were like, "My poor baby":

    3. When he was so endearing, it physically hurt your heart:

    4. When he was aware that he is basically a living ghost and you wanted to scream, "YOU'RE BEAUTIFUL THE WAY YOU ARE":

    5. When he was *real* supportive of his friends and you wished you were in his class:

    6. When his athletic dreams were coming true and you were like, "I'll be in the stands cheering for you":

    7. When he tried being a spy and you loved him for attempting to be smooth about it:

    8. When he transformed an inhaler into a MANhaler and you were like, "Sign me up":

    9. When he mastered the "dopey and adorable" face and you couldn't stop smiling:

    10. When there were a bunch of french fries in his mouth and then all of the sudden you were craving salt:

    11. When he used a cliche pick-up line and yet you were kind of okay with it:

    12. When he almost had a panic attack while attempting to be a gentleman and you were like, "I need a coat, too!":

    13. When he turned to cosplay to win over his fair maiden and all of the sudden you were on Amazon buying a Catwoman costume:

    14. When he finally got that dance he wanted and you clapped for joy for him:

    15. When he couldn't even handle anything for a second and you were like, "Stiles, STFU," but really you were like, "I love you":

    16. When he basically made out with a straw and you were like, "Yeah, I'm into this":

    17. When all he ever wanted was a friendship date and all you ever wanted was a Stiles date:

    18. When he totally played it cool and you were like, "Wow, you are ridiculously adorable":

    19. When he used his brain and you melted and, also, you wanted to know where you could buy those pencils:

    20. When he stopped joking and was completely vulnerable and you melted onto the floor:

    Stiles: "See... that's the problem, you don't care about getting hurt. But you know how I'll feel? I'll be devastated. And if you die, I will literally go out of my freakin' mind."

    21. And. When. He. Winked.

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