I Ate That Gross Gummy Bear And Mayo Salad From “HIMYM” And It Was So Awful

    Well, that's certainly an obscene amount of mayo.

    If you’re a fan of How I Met Your Mother, then you know who Marshall Eriksen is. And if you know who Marshall is, then you probably know his insanely tall and wholesome family and their love of a certain dish: the Eriksen Seven-Layer Salad made up of 16 CUPS OF FREAKIN’ MAYO.

    You know, the "salad" that is served at Eriksen family gatherings such as Thanksgiving.

    Well, I decided to re-create this gelatinous egg concoction to see what it tastes like IRL. And, to make sure I had all the correct layers, I spoke with David Baker, the prop master on HIMYM, who told me every ingredient I would need.

    First came the guac...

    ...then the bacon bits...

    ...then the shredded carrots...

    ...then the purple cabbage...

    ...then the Funyuns...

    ...then the gummy bears...

    ...and last but not least, a beautiful mountain of potato chips!


    Finally it was time to try (what I will lovingly call) the most puke-worthy thing I've ever seen in my entire life.

    Seriously, guys — I had major trouble pumping myself up to try it. My gag reflexes started to kick in even before I took a bite.

    But once I actually tasted that sweet, sweet mayo, I realized that it was actually kind of good...JUST KIDDING IT WAS LITERALLY THE WORST THING I'VE EVER TASTED.

    Basically, everyone should be seriously impressed and/or intimidated by the Eriksen family because they are a family of brave souls who can casually down a meal that is pretty much just gummy bears and Funyuns drowning in a sea of sweaty mayo.