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11 Fascinating Facts About Vaginas

Other than the fact that they literally bring us LIFE.

1. Vaginas actually expand during sex.

2. Your vagina can tell you when you're most fertile.

3. The vagina basically cleans and regulates itself.

4. Vaginas make their own lube.

5. Vaginas and vulvas come in all shapes and sizes.

6. Your vagina won't let you lose anything in there.

7. There are lots of different places in and around the vagina that can give you pleasure.

8. You can actually strengthen your vagina.

9. Vaginas can get high.

10. Vaginas can be created and lengthened through surgery.

11. Vaginas can allow a literal human to pass through it, and then bounce back like a champ.

In conclusion: Vaginas are epic.

Body Positivity Week is a week of content devoted to exploring and celebrating our complicated relationships with our bodies. Check out more great Body Positivity Week content here.