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    Challenging Anxiety

    Anxiety : Fight or Flight

    Anxious Thoughts Aren't Real Thoughts

    Anxiety is something I have lived with most of my life and the hardest thing is knowing that these thoughts come from a place of fear. I am learning each day that to truly manage your anxiety, you must face it head on and challenge it. Unfortunately, society is always there to offer quick solutions that only help you feel better temporarily.

    Misconceptions include...

    Anxiety: "What if my program doesn't get me a good job in the future?"

    "What if I marry the wrong person and it doesn't work out?"

    "What if by doing ((A)) I change the outcome of ((B)) for the worst?"

    Society: "If you are questioning it (and anything else in your life for that matter) you MUST run! You clearly are not happy in your current situation or you wouldn't be worried about it."

    Anxiety/Fear: "See, the internet even agrees with me! Flight mode -- get out now to avoid unhappiness later!"

    Fact: Anxiety is defined as - A feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease, typically about an imminent event or something with an uncertain outcome

    Here is the truth: Nothing in life has a certain outcome which is why anxiety can affect any aspect of your life. This causes you to analyze these thoughts to the point where fear takes over. Rather than running every time an anxious thought appears --challenge it!

    A therapist once told me that we overthink about the things we care about most. if we ran every time we're faced with uncertain thoughts, fear would win. We would be solving the situation temporarily but never effectively dealing with the root of our worries and pain.

    After all, what comes easy won't last and what lasts won't come easy.