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    What Is The One Horror Movie You Think EVERYONE Should Be Talking About But Doesn’t?

    Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like I only ever hear about mainstream horror now! I want to create a list where those of us looking for something new or out of the box can go to get great recommendations! This includes everything from good beginner movies to hard-core, emotionally depraved films! Let’s help each other out!

    What is the one horror movie you never hear about but would destroy the internet if everyone saw it?

    I adore being scared. It is so much fun! Now, if you are like me, you constantly need something new in the horror genre. While I love everything swimming along in the mainstream (hey Scream), I often find myself wanting to watch something with a different bark and bite. That's where you come in, BuzzFeed members! Let's collectively come up with a list of the scariest, funniest, goriest, thought-provoking, emotion-destroying, and even nightmare-inducing movies that nobody seems to chat about. Now I could just go on to Letterboxd or Shudder to find the right fit, but I like my reviews word of mouth. My list of AI-recommended films has scarred me for life! So, my friends, hit me with your best shot down in the comments!

    Can't wait to see what y'all come up with! Lets get spooky :)