21 Reactions That Perfectly Sum Up Having A Low Pain Tolerance

    I stubbed my toe call 911.

    1. When someone is trying to get your attention and they flick you too hard:

    2. When you're walking and you feel a blister starting to form:

    3. When you accidentally bite your tongue but you're trying to keep it together:

    4. When you're actually an adult and multiple people need to calm you down to get a flu shot:

    5. When you stub your toe:

    6. When you're getting your ears pierced right after an 8-year-old who sat there all chill AF:

    7. When anyone criticizes your love-hate relationship with ibuprofen:

    8. When you go to a friend's house for dinner and it's so spicy you might die but you don't want to be rude:

    9. When you brush your hair and it's tangled:

    10. When you know the tattoo is going to look good when it's finished but the process is slowly killing you:

    11. When you remember that you still need to get your wisdom teeth out:

    12. When you get a paper cut but you're trying to keep it cool in front of your homies:

    13. When you step on anything remotely sharp:

    14. When you're at the dentist and you start checking out all the scary tools:

    15. When you even think about giving birth:

    16. When you bump your head on anything:

    17. When bae starts biting your neck but it actually really hurts:

    18. When someone expects you to function with a headache:

    19. When you get a leg cramp in the middle of the night:

    20. When your friends call you a baby for saying something hurts:

    21. When you find out that you need to get any form of surgery: